How To Control Moles In Your Yard

Throughout most of the United States, moles are common yard pests. Their hills and tunnels can do significant damage to your lawn, create tripping hazards, and leave grass roots exposed, which can kill the grass.

You’ll know you have a mole problem if you spot visible trenches and dug-up soil in your lawn and garden. Look for the raised ridges that characterize mole-feeding burrows, along with molehills, which look like miniature volcanoes with plugged holes in the center.

Appearance & behavior
The two most common mole varieties – star-nosed and eastern – measure about seven inches long from nose to tail. They have broad, outward-facing pads on their front feet, small and narrow hind feet, and tiny pinholes for eyes. Their ears are not visible.

Moles are voracious, high-metabolism feeders who use their large front paws to tunnel through the ground searching for ants, earthworms, and grubs. Some species consume more than their weight in food daily.

While there are several ways to rid your property of moles, effective mole removal requires knowledge, planning, and patience.

Catch moles individually by hand
This method is challenging, because it takes a great deal of time and patience. It works like this:
• Use the backside of a flat shovel to gently flatten a few visible molehills.
• Ready a second shovel and a small covered container.
• Pick a decent downwind vantage point, hide, and watch.
• As soon as you notice signs that the mole is working to repair one of the damaged hills, rush in with the shovels and block off the tunnels on both sides of the disturbed soil.
• Wearing work gloves, dig by hand into the ground between the two shovels.
• Remove the mole and place it in the covered container.
• Transfer the mole to an area far away and release it.
• Continue to catch moles until all offenders have been removed.

If catching moles by hand seems like too much work, you can purchase a prefabricated, live mole trap. When placed in active main tunnels, such humane-dedicated trapping systems usually reap success within 36 hours.

Another trap option is a harpoon-type trap. Handling them is risky and requires skill, because they are designed to impale or crush the mole and can injure a person rather easily.

To locate an active mole runway, press down on raised ridges of soil. The next day, make note of which ridges have been raised again. Then depress the ridge of soil and set the trap over it. The mole will trigger the trap as it moves through the tunnel.

Control food sources
Trapping should also include a program for removing mole food sources. Reduce yard mole problems by treating your yard for grubs, earthworms, and other invertebrate life forms. Without food, your yard becomes much less attractive to moles.

Certain registered pesticides (that meet government regulations) are another effective mole removal method. Baits registered to control moles can be used in residential and commercial areas. However, they are not to be used in pastures or within 100 feet of water. When using mole bait, be sure to follow instructions carefully for proper application and placement procedures. Baits tend to be most successful when placed in active tunnels. Be sure to keep out of reach of children and pets.

Create a physical barrier around your garden
To prevent moles from burrowing under or climbing into your garden, experts recommend burying metal, mesh, hardware cloth two feet vertically below ground with another six inches showing above ground. Since moles have trouble burrowing through dense soil, arranging stones or claylike soil around a garden to a depth of two feet can also help.

Professional removal
You don’t have to deal with removing pesky moles on your own. No matter how intimidating or pervasive your pest problem, you can trust that Amco Ranger knows exactly how to handle it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Give us a call today if you need help getting rid of moles in your yard in Cottleville, St. Peters, O’Fallon, St. Charles, and surrounding communities.

Check out our Mole management program.

Get Rid of Dust Mites in Your Home

We share our homes with millions of microscopic organisms including dust mites.


What are Dust Mites?

Dust mites are a member of the arachnid family and live almost exclusively in human homes. They are invisible to the naked eye – only 0.2 to 0.3 millimeters long with translucent bodies. Although numerous, dust mites are fairly short-lived with the male lifespan being 10-20 days and females living up to 70 days.


Dust mites thrive in warm, humid conditions and set up home in areas that attract the most human traffic such as carpets, rugs, couches, beds, and soft toys. This is because their food source is the dead skin cells we shed every day. Fortunately, dust mites are not parasitic in nature and don’t bite humans. However, their droppings and the body fragments of deceased mites can cause allergic reactions.


How to Get Rid of Dust Mites in Your Home



Keep all sleeping areas in your home clean to prevent a buildup of dead skin, thereby denying dust mites their main food source. Kill dust mites by regularly washing all bedding in very hot water and dry on the hottest setting.


Replace your pillows every two to five years and replace mattresses every 10 years. Dust mites like to live in the deepest parts of your pillows and mattresses. Replacing these items may be expensive, but it is the best method to prevent dust mites from accumulating over time.


Invest in hypoallergenic pillow and mattress covers. These covers offer an additional barrier between you and dust mite allergens. Also, leave your bed unmade. This allows your bedding to air dry, which can significantly reduce the number of dust mites calling your bed home.



Dust mites love warm, humid environments, so reducing the humidity and temperature in your home can lessen their numbers. Use your air conditioner when it gets hot and use a dehumidifier to keep the humidity low.



Feather dusters do not get rid of the dust in your home; they just sweep it into the air. To remove dust, use a damp rag to clean surfaces. By eliminating the food source, you have a greater chance of eliminating the mites.



Mites are not picky about whose dead skin they eat. Groom your pets outside to keep old hair out of your home. Regular baths are recommended, as well as vacuuming pet beds.



Direct sunlight kills dust mites, so allow as much sunlight into your home as possible. Occasionally hang bedding, clothing, rugs, etc. outside in direct sunlight.



Reduce clutter. The fewer things you have collecting dust, the better. Get rid of items you haven’t used in the last year or store them in a plastic tub.


Stuffed toys

Reduce the number of stuffed toys in your home. Stuffed toys provide the perfect safe haven for dust mites as they collect dust easily. If your child cannot part with the toys, freeze them for 24-48 hours every two weeks to kill the dust mites and then wash and dry thoroughly.


We can help

No matter how intimidating or pervasive your pest problem, you can trust that Amco Ranger knows exactly how to handle it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Give us a call today if you need help getting rid of pests in your home in Cottleville, St. Peters, O’Fallon, St. Charles, and surrounding communities.

Wrong bug? Check out our bed bug FAQ.

Frequently Asked Questions about Bed Bugs

The most likely way to encounter bed bugs is through travel. They can easily hitch a ride in your luggage back to your home. You can avoid bed bugs in your holiday travels when you are armed with a little knowledge.

What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are small insects that mostly are found in beds, but may also be found in other furniture and draperies. They typically hide during the day and come out at night to feast on human blood.

Why are bed bugs such a big deal?

Bed bugs are one of the most difficult pests to eliminate. They can live for a year without feeding, they multiply quickly, and they can’t be killed with store-bought bug sprays. 

What do bed bugs look like?

Adult bed bugs are reddish-brown, oval, flat, and roughly the size of an apple seed. They have six legs and move quite fast. Bed bug eggs are translucent and smaller than the head of a straight pin.

Are bed bug bites dangerous?

Although the bites are itchy, irritating, and carry a huge ick factor, they are not dangerous. Unlike other blood-sucking insects, such as mosquitoes, bed bugs don’t carry diseases. 

How will I know if I have bed bugs?

The signs of bed bugs are easy to notice – if you wake up with a row or cluster of itchy bites on your skin, then your bed is infested. It’s also possible to spot the insects with the naked eye. Check the seams of your mattress and crevices in your bed frame and headboard using a flashlight.

How can I prevent infestation?

Avoid bringing second-hand furniture, mattresses, or bed sheets into your home. Also, protect yourself during travel. Never place your luggage on the bed. Always inspect the hotel mattress for bed bugs, and inspect your luggage before you return home.

Do bed bugs only live in my bed?

No. Bed bugs can also live in upholstered furniture, behind headboards, baseboards, and even behind pictures on the wall.

If I keep my home clean, will that prevent bed bugs?

No. Bed bugs only care about food and shelter. Even if your house is spotless, they can breed and thrive with the shelter of your bed and your blood for food.

If I have bed bugs, does that mean trouble for my pet too?

Pets are known to carry bed bugs inside people’s homes. However, bed bugs cannot live on pets the way fleas can. They also cannot attach themselves or their eggs on animal fur. 

How can I avoid bed bugs when traveling?

Inspect the hotel bed as soon as you check in. Using a flashlight, examine the mattress, headboard, sheets, and pillows for spots. Look around the bed and around the bedside tables and drawers. If there’s nothing suspicious, you can rest easy.

What do I do, if I suspect I brought home bed bugs?

Open your luggage on the floor, where you would be able to see bed bugs (light colored tiles for example). Don’t unpack on a carpet. Wash your clothes in hot water and put them in the dryer on high heat for at least 30 minutes. Place your luggage in a sealed trash bag and place it in a freezer set at zero degrees for at least four days. 

What should I never do?

There are many “natural” ways to deal with bed bugs posted online, such as using petroleum jelly or thyme oil. None of them work. Also, don’t spray the bed with insecticide. It’s a health hazard, and it won’t kill the bed bugs anyway, because they are immune to commercial insecticides. In addition, don’t throw out your mattress and get a new one. The new mattress will get infested with bed bugs that were living in the frame, headboard, and other areas.

We can help

The best solution for bed bugs is to hire a pest control company with experience successfully controlling bed bugs. No matter how intimidating or pervasive your pest problem, you can trust that Amco Ranger knows exactly how to handle it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Give us a call today if you need help getting rid of bed bugs in your home or business in Cottleville, St. Peters, O’Fallon, St. Charles, and surrounding communities.

Check out our bed bug elimination program here. 

How To Choose The Best Pest Control Company

Pest control takes training and skill. While most people run in the opposite direction of bugs, pest control specialists charge into crawl spaces, basements, and attics in search of unwanted critters. That’s why it’s important to find the right company when you are facing an infestation.


Here are some suggestions to help you choose the best pest control company to eliminate your pest problem.


Being licensed means that they have permission to offer pest control services and that the employees are specially trained. It also means that their products and equipment have been tested and are regularly inspected. These technicians will apply the right techniques for the right job to eliminate pests and keep your family safe.


Not all pest control companies are able to fight off your particular kind of pest. The company website should list of all the services they’re qualified to offer.


This is mandatory. Every infestation is different, which is why a good company knows they need a personalized approach for each customer. If an exterminator is not willing to tell you what exactly will happen, it’s usually a sign of shady business practices.


The employees should be knowledgeable, friendly, and courteous both on the phone and in person. They should also leave your house clean and be respectful of your property.

Customer reviews

You might need to go to another website, like Google reviews or Facebook, to see if people are satisfied with their work.

Satisfaction guarantee

If a company offers a satisfaction guarantee, you can depend on them delivering quality work. Steer away from companies that have not backed up their services with these two words.

We can help

No matter how intimidating or pervasive your pest problem, you can trust that Amco Ranger knows exactly how to handle it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Give us a call today if you need help getting rid of pests in your home in Cottleville, St. Peters, O’Fallon, St. Charles, and surrounding communities.

Also find out why DIY pest control can be dangerous for you.

How to Keep Rats Out of the Garage

Rats chew on literally everything, including cardboard boxes, stored holiday decorations, sports equipment, and electrical wires. They also carry a variety of deadly illnesses that can be lethal to your family. If you have a garage filled with junk, there is a good chance you also have rats.

Identifying a rat problem
If you spot a rat, living or dead, you can be sure there are more. Other signs of rats include finding droppings, nests, and belongings that have been chewed. Keeping rats out of your garage depends on making it a place where they wouldn’t want to live in the first place.

Follow these suggestions to keep your garage free from rat infestations.

Do not store food or water
Rats can smell food, no matter how well it’s packaged. Don’t store food in your garage. Rats also need water to survive. Fix leaks right away, and don’t let water pool on the floor.

Keep the garage tidy
Rats love cluttered environments, because it provides them with warm shelter and lots of hiding spots from predators. De-cluttering your garage and keeping it clean make it unattractive to rats.

Eliminate holes
If rats are in your garage, they likely entered through holes in the walls or garage door. Fill holes with steel wool and then caulk around it. Examine the garage regularly and make sure there aren’t any new holes.

Install a rat deterrent
A rat deterrent is an electronic device that uses ultrasonic sound – which the human ear cannot detect – that is annoying to rats. These devices are good at keeping away future infestations, as well as getting rid of the current rats.

Use poison
Rat poison is a successful method of killing, repelling, and keeping future infestations away. However, there is always the problem of having poison out in the open, which can be deadly to your kids and pets.

We can help
No matter how intimidating or pervasive your pest problem, you can trust that Amco Ranger knows exactly how to handle it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Give us a call today if you need help getting rid of rats in your home in Cottleville, St. Peters, O’Fallon, St. Charles, and surrounding communities.

Also find out where bugs go in the winter.

Differences Between Mice & Rats

Rodents can cause serious damage in your home. They chew on literally everything including electrical wires, ductwork, HVAC units, walls, and foundations. They eat your food and contaminate the area with droppings. They also carry a variety of deadly illnesses such as plague, salmonellosis, trichinosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), and Lyme disease, which can be lethal for you, your family, and your pets.

So if mice and rats do the same types of damage, why does it matter which one has invaded your home? The answer lies in the methods of extermination – a mouse trap is very different from a rat one.


What is the difference between mice and rats?

When it comes to visual characteristics, rats are distinguishably bigger than mice. Generally, a mouse weighs about two ounces, while a rat is about 10 ounces. Besides looking different, mice and rats also have distinct behaviors and habits. Gaining knowledge about these details can help aid your control efforts. Here are the basic difference between mice and rats:



Rats are a bit shy and cautious about new things. If you decide to place traps, first set some that won’t hurt the animal. This way the rat will get used to it, and next time you lay down a functioning one, it won’t be afraid to go near it. Mice, on the other hand, are a bit more curious. They like to play detective. To catch one, you just need to place a trap anywhere you think they might be present.

When you place traps, bear in mind that they have a home range, which is the limited area these rodents inhabit. It is no larger than necessary to acquire food, shelter, and water. If the conditions are good, the range is no bigger than 10 feet. If there is not proper access to the described necessities, the range can expand up to 150 feet. Rats have a wider range than mice.



Rats will eat anything. They are muricide, meaning that they have a predator-like behavior and will hunt on smaller rodents if there are any around. A rather disturbing fact is that they can go on a cannibal diet. Yes, rats consume other rats!

Mice are a bit pickier. If you find one in your box of Oaty-Os, don’t be surprised – they have a soft spot for cereal and plant-based foods.



Mice like to build nests in hidden places near a food source. Rats prefer to dig under buildings, along fences, and under plants and debris.



Both species like to make babies and they make a lot of them. In one year, a female mouse can give birth up to 10 times and each litter can consist of five or six babies – that means about 60 mice a year. Rats can parent 70+ youngsters in a year. Now imagine all those babies making their own family. It’s easy to see how quickly infestations can happen.



Another way to figure out if you have a rat or mice infestation is to listen for specific noises. Any type of scratching, squeaking, hissing, and chattering sounds mean that you are definitely dealing with one of the two. While rats tend to move through sewers, mice can jump, swim, and climb. They can even climb up rough, vertical surfaces and run really fast.

When moving through your home, rodents leave dark, greasy marks from their bodies. You can tell if it is a mouse or rat even by inspecting those. Rub marks left by rats are most commonly seen beneath beams or rafters. Mice don’t usually leave distinctive spots, except if the infestation is big.



One of the best ways to figure out which rodent is in your home is by inspecting the droppings. Before you look for droppings, put on some gloves. Rodent feces can carry harmful bacteria, diseases, and viruses. Typically, you can find the droppings where the animals eat. Check your kitchen and pay particular attention to cabinets where cereal is stored. Another place to look is near their nests. Rodents tend to make houses in old furniture and insulation.

Mice produce more droppings (around 70 to 150 per day), but are smaller in size (3-6 mm). Rats leave fewer poops behind, but they are much bigger (2 cm). You can find mice excrement scattered around their housing, while rats tend to leave their poop in a small bunch.


We can help

No matter how intimidating or pervasive your pest problem, you can trust that Amco Ranger knows exactly how to handle it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Give us a call today if you need helping getting rid of mice or rats in your home.

Check out our commercial program against rodents.

How to Get Rid of Squirrels in Your Attic

Squirrels are interesting and funny creatures to watch in nature, but you certainly don’t want them invading your home. Squirrels tend to come inside and make nests in the attic to escape cold weather. They can create a mess and be quite noisy.


Here are some ways you can get rid of squirrels in your attic:


Through Exclusion

The first method to get rid of squirrels in your attic is exclusion, which is the process of sealing potential entrances to prevent squirrels from entering your home in the first place.


The first step in the exclusion process is to seal off your attic. Patch up any visible holes and make repairs as needed to prevent squirrels from squeezing in. When sealing your attic, keep these steps in mind:

  • Cover your chimney: It may seem crazy, but a dedicated squirrel can make his way into your home through your chimney. The simple addition of wire mesh or a chimney cap can prevent squirrels and other animals from entering.
  • Make sure vents are covered and sealed.
  • Patch any visible holes on the outside of the home (even the smallest hole can be chewed into a viable entrance).

If there are still squirrels in your attic, you need to give them a way to get out that won’t allow them back in. This is most often done by professionals, where a funnel shaped exit, baited with food, is used to lure the critters out but prevents them from getting back in once they’ve squeezed through.


Removal by Trapping

When placing traps, put them in corners and away from open areas of your attic, as squirrels may be wary of obvious traps placed in traffic areas. Squirrels won’t go near your traps without the right bait, so make sure to use something that will attract them like peanuts, crackers, bread pieces, or apple slices. Be sure to place the bait far enough toward the back of the trap to make sure they get in, while leaving it far enough away from the edge to prevent squirrels from grabbing the bait from the outside.


Prevention Through Repellents

Whether you purchase a specific ultrasonic device or simply leave a radio on in your attic, sound can be a great deterrent to any squirrel looking to make a home in your attic.

If leaving your radio on in the attic sounds a bit annoying, consider purchasing a strobe light or leaving the light on in your attic for a brief period of time. Any squirrels that enter your attic will prefer the darkness, and the constant light source may work to deter squirrels from sticking around.

The last option available is to use commercial spray repellents. These chemicals can be applied to your attic to deter squirrels from building nests. These repellents can be made from predator urine, like the fox and can be purchased at hunting supply or farm supply stores. The other option is to use ammonia soaked rags. Simply soak a folded rag in ammonia and leave them placed around your attic in areas you suspect may be home to squirrels.


We can help

No matter how intimidating or pervasive your pest problem, you can trust that Amco Ranger knows exactly how to handle it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Give us a call today if you need helping getting rid of squirrels in your home.

Brown Recluse Spider Identification & Prevention

Few things cause as much fear and anxiety in people as the thought of poisonous spiders. Missouri is home to many species of spiders; however, only two are poisonous – the black widow and the brown recluse.



The brown recluse is a shy spider that does not attack people and usually only bites in response to being injured. This is quite the opposite of what most people think. Most reported bites occur when putting on clothing in which the spider is hiding or rolling on a spider in bed. Most people living in proximity to the spider will never see it, nor be bitten by it.

The brown recluse is a medium-sized spider. The legs span an area roughly the size of a quarter to a half-dollar. The color of the brown recluse ranges from a light yellowish brown to a dark reddish or chocolate brown, but most are light to medium brown. The second pair of legs is always longer than the remaining pair in both the male and female. The most distinguishing characteristic is the violin-shaped marking on the top of the body directly above the legs. The violin-shaped marking is usually much darker than the surrounding areas and may appear lined. Since some other species of spider have a violin-shaped marking, the best identification feature for the brown recluse is a semicircular arrangement of three pairs of eyes.



Brown recluse spiders prefer sheltered areas with low moisture levels and generally live in walls and attics. They do tend to enter living areas during periods of extreme temperatures – heat in August or cold in January – and may be seen in dark areas such as closets and cabinets.

Since most brown recluse spiders hibernate in the winter (except for those that live indoors), most bites occur between March and October when humans accidentally disturb their habitat.


Here are some useful tips for keeping spiders at bay:

  • Store clothing in sealed plastic bags or storage boxes.
  • Store shoes in plastic shoeboxes.
  • Shake clothing and shoes before wearing.
  • Move beds away from walls or curtains.
  • Remove bed skirts from box springs.
  • Do not use bedspreads that touch or come close to the floor.
  • Inspect bedding before climbing into bed.
  • Seal all cracks and crevices where spiders may enter the home.
  • Move firewood away from the home, elevate it off the ground and cover it with plastic.


We can help

No matter how intimidating or pervasive your pest infestation, you can trust that Amco Ranger knows exactly how to handle it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Give us a call today if you need helping getting rid of brown recluse spiders.

Learn facts and fiction about the brown recluse spider.

Brown Recluse Spider – Fact & Fiction

It’s hard to think of a critter that inspires as much hysteria as the brown recluse spider. If you believe the tales, these small arachnids are biting people all day, every day, producing huge craters around the bite that require months of intensive care.

Although there is some truth in the hype, it is greatly exaggerated. Brown recluses do not lay in wait to bite you. However, a spider that is potentially harmful, moves erratically, unpredictably, and sometimes quickly, is easy to fear. Especially when the misinformation, misdiagnosis, and gross internet photos of bite wounds feed the fear. So let’s sort out the fact from fiction.



The brown recluse only lives in a few states. Arkansas and Missouri have the highest populations, while Kansas, Oklahoma, the western portions of Tennessee and Kentucky, the southern parts of Indiana and Illinois, and the northeastern parts of Texas round out the recluse’s range.



Brown recluses are nocturnal and shy away from daylight. They mainly live in the walls and attics of homes, and are rarely seen by humans. They do tend to enter living areas during periods of extreme temperatures – heat in August or cold in January – and may be seen in dark areas such as closets and cabinets.



Most bites occur when people roll over on the spiders in the night, put on a jacket that has been in storage, or put their foot in a shoe with a spider in it. Biting is a response to being crushed, but they’d much rather run away. In fact, the spiders’ fangs are too short and small to bite through pajamas or socks, and really only sturdy enough to puncture thin skin.

Brown recluse bites can be bad. Some of the spider’s venomous bites lead to necrotic skin lesions(thedeath of skin cells or tissue in a localized area of the body), but only around 10 percent of bites are this serious. Most bites are not that bad. They look like little pimples or mosquito bites or something else that doesn’t merit a trip to the emergency room, and they heal by themselves.

There are some ways in which brown recluse bites are different from many other wounds. A raised, reddish, and wet wound is likely not a recluse bite. Recluse venom destroys small blood vessels and causes them to constrict, turning the area around the bite white, purple, or blue. Fluids can’t flow to the area, and it sinks a little, and dries out.



Unfortunately, the brown recluse bite diagnosis is a popular catch-all for situations where the cause of a skin lesion can’t be easily identified. There are about 40 conditions that are often misdiagnosed as brown recluse bites, including bacterial, viral, and fungal infections; poison oak and poison ivy; thermal and chemical burns; bad reactions to blood thinners, and herpes. Most physicians don’t have a lot of experience discriminating between a recluse bite and something like necrotizing Staphylococcus, and even if a patient brings in a spider for identification, it’s unlikely the ER doctor has been trained to identify a brown recluse.


Mistaken identity

Part of the problem is that the brown recluse is small and brown and about the size of a quarter; it looks like many other arachnids and insects. The best way to identify a brown recluse is to count its eyes. They have six eyes instead of eight, arranged in three pairs of two. However, most people are not going to get in a spider’s face with a magnifying glass and count its eyes.

Some people may try to find the marking most commonly described as identifying a brown recluse: a violin shape on the spider’s head, oriented with the violin’s neck pointing toward the spider’s butt. However, people are incredibly good at “seeing” violin markings on every portion of a spider’s body, which means this marking isn’t an especially helpful diagnostic.

If you suspect you’ve been bitten by a brown recluse spider, contact your primary care physician for treatment.


We can help

While brown recluse spiders aren’t as scary as people think, they are still an unwelcome houseguest. No matter how intimidating or pervasive your pest infestation, you can trust that Amco Ranger knows exactly how to handle it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Give us a call today if you need helping getting rid of brown recluse spiders.

Have a spider issue? Check out our pest control options for your home or our blog about brown recluse prevention.

Fall Lawn Care in St. Louis & St. Charles

As the heat of summer gives way to the cooler, crisper days of fall, it’s time to prepare your lawn for fall and winter. Check out the tips below, and you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful, green, weed-free lawn next spring.


Keep doing what you’re doing

Existing lawn care, such as mowing, edging, and watering should continue as needed. Remember that while the best time to water is early in the morning, the best time to mow is in the evening right before the sun goes down, because the grass is dry and temperatures are cooler.


Fall planting

Early fall is the best time to plant trees and shrubs, because planting in autumn allows them time to establish their roots and transition into the garden while the conditions aren’t as harsh.


Air it out

Aeration perforates the lawn by removing small plugs and has several benefits for your lawn. It takes compaction out of the soil, which allows for better water percolation and allows fertilizer to reach the root zone. The plugs that are left on the surface due to aeration also have a purpose: The soil from the plugs will dissolve into your turf, and the microbes from the soil will decompose the thatch (a layer of organic matter that accumulates on a lawn around the base of the grass plants).


Remember to fertilize

When you feed your lawn in the fall with a fall/winter fertilizer, the nutrients are changed into carbohydrates, which improve the root system in your lawn. By putting energy into the roots instead of promoting blade growth, you are improving your lawn for next spring.


Get it under control

Fall is a great time to control broadleaf weeds in your lawn. Broadleaf weeds like clover and dandelions prepare themselves for winter just like your lawn. There are many options for lawn weed killer, which work by causing the plant to grow beyond its ability to sustain that growth. For best results, try to spray for weeds when temperatures are in the mid-50s or warmer.


Mow it down

As the weather cools in the fall, lower the height of your mower. Mowing the lawn shorter in the fall encourages rhizome (stems running underground horizontally) development in the turf, which will thicken the lawn and help choke out weeds. Begin in September and continue through October, gradually reducing the height of your lawn until you’re mowing to a height of approximately one inch. By slowly reducing the height, your lawn will not be stressed by the shorter mower height as the fall temperatures cool.


Overseed it

Fall is the best time to seed, because warm soil temperatures and plenty of rain help the seeds germinate quickly. The faster the seed germinates and the lawn becomes more established, the less competition it has with weeds. The cool air temperatures also allow the young lawn to grow strong without the threat of heat stress. If weeds have caused thin areas, make sure you kill and remove the weeds before overseeding.


We do lawn care

Did you know that Amco Ranger does lawn care in addition to pest control? We give these services the same professional attention to detail and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Give us a call today to ensure a lush-looking lawn in the spring.

Wrong season? Check out our spring bug survival guide.