brown recluse spider on black background prevention and identification St. Charles pest control

Avoid Getting Bit By A Brown Recluse Spider

It’s the time of year when people pull their cold-weather clothes,…
squirrel on fence

Why A Long-Term Pest Control Service Agreement Makes Sense

You can always wait until you’ve got termites in your basement,…
Home buyer inspection house with keys

Why You Need A Pest Inspection Before You Buy A House

Buying a home is exciting, but it's easy to overlook key concerns…
can bed bugs fly

Can Bed Bugs Fly?

Bed bugs may seem like a pest problem that occurs only in seedy…
mosquito biting person

Where Do Mosquitoes Go in the Winter?

Mosquitoes are simply unstoppable. These annoying pests have…
Yellowjacket wasp and home on scissor in tin

How To Remove Wasp Nests

First of all, removing wasp nests can be very dangerous. It is…
wasp stinging man

How To Keep Wasps Away

The most commonly known types of wasps are hornets and yellow…
guard against mosquitoes this tiger mosquito season with our pest control services.

What Draws Mosquitoes To Some People More Than Others?

Not only are mosquitoes attracted to some people more than others,…
termite infestation

How Will I Know If My Home Is Infested With Termites?

Termites can do rapid and serious damage to any home. The trick…