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Mosquitoes are one of the most common and irritating types of outdoor pests. While the whining buzz they make is maddening, it is the bites they leave behind that are an even bigger concern. In addition to being itchy and susceptible to infections, they can transmit a variety of serious diseases. At Amco Ranger Termite and Pest Solutions, we help you eliminate this pesky and potentially dangerous problem permanently. As Lake St. Louis mosquito control experts, we have over 50 years of experience helping residents in our community get rid of mosquitoes and keep them from coming back in the future.
St. Charles County warns that there are more than 50 species that can be found throughout the state and they generally fall into one of two categories:
- Floodwater mosquitoes: These types of mosquitoes tend to appear in the spring months. They generally lay their eggs on damp soil in flood-prone areas and in tree stumps or debris along the waterline of lakes and rivers. They can fly up to 10 miles away or more when in search of a meal.
- Permanent water mosquitoes: These lay their eggs on any type of standing water that accumulates. Permanent water mosquitoes greatly multiply in number throughout the spring and summer season. They can often be found in empty pools, abandoned flower pots, landscaping ponds, birdbaths, or other objects around your property.
At Amco Ranger Termite and Pest Solutions, we are dedicated to eliminating these nuisances from areas around your home or business. A single mosquito can lay hundreds of eggs. While the adults die off over the cold winter months, these eggs can still hatch the following season, up to five years down the road. As your Lake St. Louis mosquito control experts, we address this problem by identifying breeding grounds so that both the mosquitoes and their eggs can be exterminated completely.
Are Mosquitoes Dangerous?
The Missouri Department of Conservation advises that while some male mosquitoes may feed on flower nectar, the majority feed on the blood of humans and animals. Attached to their bodies, they have what is called a proboscis, which is like a long, tiny drinking straw they use to pierce victims. As mosquitoes often feed on birds, bats, and animal carcasses, they can carry dangerous germs and bacteria. When mosquitoes ‘bite’ you, your pets, and or livestock you possess, these can get transferred into the bloodstream, resulting in potentially serious illnesses.
To protect yourself and your family, it is important to have our Lake St. Louis mosquito control experts conduct a free inspection of your property. This helps to reduce your risk of the following:
- West Nile Virus: Potentially affecting both humans and animals, this is a serious illness that can cause flu-like symptoms, such as fever, headaches, body pains, and swollen glands. Once infected, it is easily transmitted to others and can result in complications such as seizure or coma.
- Zika Virus: Primarily impacting humans, the Zika virus can also result in flu-like symptoms. The biggest risk, though, is the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, and birth defects it poses to pregnant mothers and their children.
- Heartworm: A serious disease that could endanger family pets, heartworm can result in organ damage, heart failure, lung disease, and death.
The Missouri Department of Health warns that mosquito bites can also result in malaria, yellow fever, dengue, and encephalitis. Addressing mosquitos as soon as possible is important in protecting your safety.
Getting Rid Of Mosquitoes Around Your Home
As highly trained and experienced professionals, our team of technicians at Amco Ranger Termite and Pest Solutions provide Lake St. Louis mosquito control services you can count on. We can conduct a free inspection of your property and the surrounding area, uncovering the places mosquitoes are most likely to breed. Using products that are safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly, we eliminate mosquitoes and their eggs and help to keep them from returning in the future.
Reach Out To Us Today For Help
Amco Ranger Termite and Pest Solutions provide the highest quality of customer service in the industry while backing our work with a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee. Call or contact our Lake St. Louis mosquito control experts online today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.
*Listed pricing is for most homes, subject to change, and does not include program start-up fee. Final pricing determined during initial consultation.