House fly in spring buzzing on a leaf

Spring Bug Survival Guide

We’re finally on the verge of spring. We love it, and so do the bugs. Here is all you need to know to survive another spring and summer, no matter how many of these insects cross your path.



Ticks can be a serious concern for anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors, especially hiking or camping, specifically because of Lyme disease. These spring bugs latch onto exposed areas of skin (or fur for your pets) and begin sucking blood immediately. The longer it’s attached, the higher your risk for infection.

The best way to avoid ticks is by covering up. If you’re hiking or walking through a heavily wooded area, wear long sleeves and pants, and wear closed-toe shoes. Check your skin regularly throughout your time in the woods, and thoroughly check for ticks when you get home. If you do find any on your skin, promptly, but gently, remove them using tweezers, grabbing close to its mouth and not around its body.



Flies are more annoying than anything else, but some flies, such as horseflies, can actually bite, leaving behind painful welts.

Most flies are inactive at night until sunrise, so it’s only during the day that you typically need to make efforts to prevent them. Cover up! Wear long sleeves, long pants, a hat, and closed-toe shoes. If you do get bit, disinfect the bite with soap and water. You typically won’t need more than an antihistamine or anti-allergy pill.


Bees & Wasps

Bees inject all of their poison at once, lose their stinger, and then die. However, wasps keep their stinger after stinging, meaning they can inject smaller amounts of venom several times. Venom is quite different between the two as well, meaning your reactions can vary depending on which one stings you.

To prevent stinging insects from bothering you, avoid wearing perfume, cologne, or bright colors outdoors. Also, keep the sweet foods and drinks to a minimum, disposing of empty cans and wrappers immediately. If you get stung, wash it with soap and water, then apply a cold pack to the wound to reduce swelling and pain. Consider using an antihistamine or pain reliever, and if you notice increased swelling over the next few days, see a doctor.



We’ve heard a lot about the Zika Virus in the media, but mosquitoes can cause other issues as well (from infections to diseases like West Nile). While these diseases are very uncommon in our area, it’s important to be aware and still remain careful.

 When outdoors, always use a repellent like DEET or natural remedies such as essential oils. You can also use fire, citronella candles, and tiki torches to keep them away. Protect your skin by wearing pants and sleeves, and stay away from stagnant water. If you get bit, hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion will typically relieve itching. Learn more about protecting against mosquitoes.


We can help

No matter how intimidating or pervasive your pest problem, you can trust that Amco Ranger knows exactly how to handle it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Give us a call today if you need help getting rid of pests in your home in Cottleville, St. Peters, O’Fallon, St. Charles, and surrounding communities.

Also check out our tips on spring pest control.