How to Achieve a Healthy Lawn (That Will Have Your Neighbors Envious)

94% of Americans say that they care about their lawn’s appearance. But the effort it takes sometimes to produce such a healthy lawn can seem out of reach, especially for busy professionals.

If you put even a bit of dedication into this project of lawn maintenance, your lush lawn will become a source of pride and a beautiful backdrop for outdoor enjoyment.

Then you will be able to invite people to your backyard parties without any compunction. How do you begin though? 

Well, we have laid out some tips below that you can add to your weekly list of things to do for lawn care, so keep reading. 

Soil Preparation

The foundation for a healthy lawn begins with proper soil preparation. Start by conducting a soil test to determine its pH level and nutrient content. 

Not sure how to take the pH level of your soil? Consider hiring landscapers or lawn services for this task. It’s important to start with a good base layer, otherwise, all your other efforts in lawn care will be for naught. 

If the pH level is too acidic or alkaline, amend the soil accordingly by adding lime or sulfur. Additionally, consider aerating the soil to improve its structure. It will also allow for better water and nutrient absorption (more on this below).

Again, make sure to do these tasks slowly over time. No need to get it all done in one weekend.

Choosing the Right Grass

Not every kind of grass will do well in every kind of climate or soil environment. That’s why you need to spend some time choosing the right grass.

Factors such as climate, sunlight exposure, and intended usage should be considered.

Cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass and fescue thrive in northern regions with cold winters. While warm-season grasses like Bermuda grass and zoysia grass are better suited for southern climates with hot summers.

Research the grass varieties that are well-adapted to your specific region. This will help you meet your lawn’s needs in terms of durability and shade tolerance.

Another positive thing about choosing the right grass is that you will have to do less maintenance on it as it will be able to survive without much help or duress. If you are the lazier kind of homeowner, this should be music to your ears. 

Regular Mowing

Hire someone to mow your lawn weekly or have one of your children do it. Set your mower blade at the recommended height for your grass type. Ensure you do not cut more than one-third of the grass blade length at a time.

This promotes healthier root growth and prevents stress on the grass. It also reduces weed invasion.

Avoid mowing when the grass is wet to prevent clumping and uneven cutting. Alternate the mowing direction each time to avoid compacting the soil in the same patterns and promote upright growth.

Watering Techniques

Watering your lawn correctly is essential to keep it hydrated and vibrant. Deep and infrequent watering is preferable to frequent shallow watering. This is because it encourages the grassroots to grow deeper into the soil.

Watering in the early morning is ideal, as it allows the grass to dry during the day and minimizes the risk of disease.

To determine the right amount of water, use the “catch can” method. Place several empty cans around your lawn. Then measure the water collected after a designated watering session.

Aim for approximately one inch of water per week, including rainfall. Adjust the watering schedule as necessary based on weather conditions and the grass’s appearance.

Fertilization and Weed Control

Regular fertilization is essential for providing the necessary nutrients to your lawn. Choose a high-quality slow-release fertilizer. Apply it according to the recommended schedule for your grass type.

This will ensure a consistent and balanced nutrient supply, promoting healthy growth and vibrant color.

Weed control is also crucial in maintaining a pristine lawn. Implement pre-emergent herbicides in early spring to prevent weed seeds from germinating.

Spot-treat existing weeds with targeted herbicides or manually remove them, taking care to get the entire root system.

Aeration and Overseeding

Over time, lawns can become compacted, which restricts root growth and hinders nutrient absorption. This is even more true if you hold regular parties, have guests over, or your children and pets run amok on the lawns all week long. 

Aeration helps alleviate compaction by creating small holes in the soil, allowing air, water, and nutrients to reach the grassroots more effectively. Consider aerating your lawn annually or biennially, depending on the soil condition and usage.

Overseeding is the process of spreading grass seeds over existing turf to fill in bare patches and improve density. It helps rejuvenate thinning areas and enhances the overall appearance of your lawn.

Choose high-quality grass seeds that are compatible with your existing grass type. Follow the recommended seeding rates for optimal results.

Pest and Disease Management

Keeping pests and diseases at bay is crucial for maintaining a healthy lawn. Regularly inspect your lawn for signs of pests such as grubs, chinch bugs, or armyworms. Mole management is also crucial in this regard.

If an infestation is detected, contact pest control services immediately so they can treat the affected areas promptly with appropriate insecticides and fungicides. 

Diseases like Brown Patch or Dollar Spot can also affect the health and appearance of your lawn.

Proper watering, regular mowing, and avoiding excess nitrogen fertilization can help prevent the occurrence of diseases. 

Maintenance and Seasonal Care

Proactive lawn maintenance is essential throughout the year. Rake up leaves and debris regularly to prevent suffocation of the grass. Trim tree branches or shrubs that shade the lawn excessively to allow adequate sunlight penetration.

In autumn, conduct a thorough lawn cleanup, removing fallen leaves and debris. Consider overseeding and aerating during this time to prepare the lawn for the coming winter and promote healthy regrowth in the spring.

Lawn Edging and Borders

Adding defined edges and borders to your lawn not only enhances its overall appearance but also helps with maintenance. Use a spade or an edging tool to create clean lines along the edges of your lawn, separating it from flower beds, sidewalks, or driveways.

This prevents grass from encroaching into unwanted areas and gives your lawn a polished, well-maintained look.

Consider using natural materials like bricks, pavers, or decorative stones to create attractive borders. These materials not only provide a neat separation but also add visual interest and definition to your lawn.

Proper Weed Management

Weeds can quickly take over an otherwise healthy lawn if not properly managed. Then you will have a dandelion field in your home, rather than a green lawn.

Hand-pulling weeds is effective for small infestations, ensuring you remove the entire root system to prevent regrowth.

For larger weed problems, consider using selective herbicides that target specific types of weeds while leaving your grass unharmed. Follow the instructions carefully, apply the herbicides as directed, and avoid spraying on windy days to prevent drift and accidental damage to desirable plants.

Make sure to put up a sign on your lawn informing everyone that you are using insecticides, pesticides, or fungicides on your lawn. This way your neighbor’s pets or children will stay away from the lawn and not get sick from the chemicals. 

Regular Lawn Inspections

Performing regular inspections of your lawn allows you to identify issues early on and take appropriate action. Keep an eye out for signs of pests, diseases, or nutrient deficiencies.

Look for yellowing patches, discolored grass, thinning areas, or any unusual patterns that may indicate an underlying problem.

If you notice any abnormalities, consult with lawn care professionals or your local agricultural extension office for guidance. They can help diagnose the issue and recommend the most effective solutions to restore the health of your lawn.

Environmental Considerations

While maintaining a healthy lawn, it is important to be mindful of environmental impacts and sustainable practices. Minimize the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides by adopting organic alternatives.

Organic fertilizers, compost, and natural pest control methods can promote a healthier ecosystem and reduce the risk of chemical runoff into water sources.

Practice water conservation by adjusting your watering schedule based on weather conditions and utilizing efficient irrigation systems such as drip irrigation or smart controllers. Collect rainwater in barrels to use for watering during dry periods.

A Healthy Lawn Is Within Your Reach

With dedication and a commitment to regular maintenance, your healthy lawn will become the envy of the neighborhood. Your neighbors will then come and ask you for guidance on how to improve their lawns. 

If you are still searching for pest control services, then contact Amco Ranger today. Schedule your free no-obligation inspection. We are ready to help you protect your family, home, and yard from unwanted pests.

Common Garden Pests That May Also Invade Your Home

Are you experiencing a pest problem in your home? You aren’t alone, as millions of homeowners across the United States regularly battle with unwelcome pests in their homes. According to Census data, for example, 14 million homeowners in the country reported seeing cockroaches in their homes in the past 12 months, along with nearly 15 million who reported seeing rodents.

St. Louis is no different than other parts of the country when it comes to pests. Many “outdoor” pests that live in our gardens may also seek shelter within our homes. When that happens, it’s important to take quick action to eradicate the problem and reduce the risk of damage and health issues.

In this blog post, we’ll look at common garden pests that may also invade your home, including flying pests and crawling pests. If you are wondering what pests you should watch out for in St. Louis, keep reading.

Rats and Mice

There are many reasons why rodents such as rats and mice like to live in gardens. Urban gardens provide safety, water, and food. Rodents love to burrow into earthen space that is close to food and make their nests, which is why gardens are such a popular option for them.

There are also a number of reasons why rodents may enter a home—the two main reasons being shelter and food. During the colder winter months, rodents seek shelter indoors so they can avoid the worst of the cold. If you aren’t careful tidying up wood waste on the floor or other surfaces of your home, this can also attract rodents to enter.  

Rodents carry many diseases, including hantavirus, leptospirosis, and Salmonella. If you find that you have rodents visiting or residing within your home, it’s important that you hire an experienced pest control company near you.


600,000 homes in the United States are damaged by termites every single year, causing $5 billion in repair costs and prevention efforts. They are a highly destructive pest that can easily infest both our gardens and our homes.

Termites are attracted to gardens because they serve as a good source of food. They love to feed on cellulose, a component of plants, shrubs, and trees, as well as plant roots.

Termites are also known to come inside the home, attracted to wood as well as moisture. Gaps in the foundation, wood touching the house, and excessive moisture all incentive termites to enter a home.

The best way to deal with a termite problem on your property, whether in the garden or the home itself, is to hire a pest control company.


Arachnophobia is the intense fear of spiders. Millions of people in the United States have arachnophobia, making it one of the most common phobias.

However, the reality is that spiders in the garden can be considered beneficial insects. They can actually help to improve the overall health of your garden. Just some of the pests that spiders in the garden eat include wasps, aphids, mosquitoes, caterpillars, flea beetles, and spider mites.

Spiders, however, are also prone to entering the home. As with other pests, they do so in order to fulfill basic needs, including shelter, water, and food. Spider bites can be dangerous and cause severe health issues, while—as we have noted—their very presence can strike fear and panic into people.

If you have spiders in your home, our expert team can help.

Bald-Faced Hornets

Bald-faced hornets are a type of stinging insect. Despite their name, they are not true hornets but rather a species of yellowjacket wasp. These striking insects are known for their distinct black and white coloration, with a predominantly black body and white markings on their face and abdomen.

They are known for their aggressive nature when their nests are disturbed, and they can deliver painful stings. They are attracted to residential properties for a number of reasons, including when there is a water source available on the property. 

While they typically build their nests outdoors, usually in trees, shrubs, or other elevated locations, it’s not uncommon for these hornets to accidentally find their way indoors. This may occur when there are gaps or openings in windows, doors, or other entry points that allow them to enter a building.

Given their aggressive nature, it’s important to hire a professional pest control service to safely remove them from your property.


It’s estimated that there are around 20 quadrillion ants in the world (that’s around 20 million billion!). Ants commonly live in gardens, where they find a suitable habitat thanks to the variety of food sources, such as fallen fruits and plant nectar. They also like to build nests in the soil, leaf litter, or under rocks in garden beds.

Ants may enter houses for several reasons. These include food, water, shelter, nesting sites, and scent trails. For example, in terms of food, if ants discover accessible food in or around a house, such as crumbs, spills, or improperly stored food, they will follow scent trails to find these food sources.

There are a number of steps that homeowners can take to prevent ants from entering their homes, such as practicing good sanitation and addressing water leaks. To address an ant infestation, it’s best to leave this job to the professionals and contact a pest control company.


While cockroaches are generally associated with indoor environments, there are some species that can be found in gardens and outdoor areas. These species, which include the American cockroach and the Smokybrown cockroach, are well-adapted to living in outdoor habitats.

These cockroaches generally do not infest homes in the same way as indoor cockroaches. However, if garden conditions are favorable and located near a building, they may occasionally enter indoors in search of food or shelter.

The best way to minimize the chances of encountering cockroaches in outdoor spaces is to practice proper garden maintenance. This includes sealing entry points into homes, removing excess organic debris, and reducing moisture sources. 


As with spiders, there are benefits to having ladybugs in your garden. They have a voracious appetite for garden pests such as aphids, mites, and other unwelcome insects which can cause damage to plants.

As with other insects on this list, ladybugs primarily inhabit outdoor environments though they can occasionally find their way inside homes. This is especially true during the colder fall and winter months when they can seek warmth and shelter inside people’s homes.

Generally speaking, ladybugs inside the home are harmless. They do not pose a significant risk to human health or property. However, as with other insects, their presence can be an annoyance, especially if they are present in large numbers. 

Some of the above-mentioned tips can help you to reduce the likelihood of seeing ladybugs in your home. These include sealing cracks, gaps, and other potential entry points.

Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are another example of an outdoor pest in St. Louis that can occasionally enter homes through gaps or openings. These solitary bees are typically attracted to untreated or unpainted wood that is weathered and easy to burrow into.

While they are important pollinators and can play a beneficial role in gardens, their behavior can also be problematic. For example, their tunneling behavior can sometimes result in damage to wooden structures.

Generally, carpenter bees only unintentionally enter into indoor space and will seek an exit if given the opportunity. Still, if you are experiencing an issue with carpenter bees, whether in your garden or within your home, it’s best to contact a professional pest control company to quickly deal with the issue.

Paper Wasps

More than half of American adults (52%) say that they have been bitten by a wasp at some point in their lives. Only bees and mosquitos have stung or bitten a greater percentage of people in the U.S.

A common outdoor pest in St. Louis is the paper wasp. They are commonly found in gardens and are known for building distinctive paper-like nests, hence their name. Once again, paper wasps can be considered a beneficial insect in the garden, given that they are predators of other pests like caterpillars, flies, and spiders.

It is not common for paper wasps to establish nests inside homes, though they may occasionally enter homes through openings. As with other species of wasps, it’s best to approach them with caution if you encounter them indoors. It’s best to contact a pest control company to assess the situation and implement appropriate measures.

Common Garden Pests That May Invade Your Home

Around 55% of households in the U.S. have a garden. There are, of course, many great benefits to having a garden, however, there is also a risk of common garden pests will also find their way into indoor spaces. This can result in pest damage and health risks.

Here in St. Louis, your premier choice for professional pest control is Amco Ranger. Contact our team today for a free inspection and learn more about the types of pests that can enter your home from the garden.

A Homeowner’s Guide on How to Get Rid of Lawn Moles

Has your beautiful, green lawn been ruined by crisscrossing lines of unseemly dirt mounds?

Unfortunately, these raised ridges are a sure sign of a lawn mole invasion. It’s one of the most frustrating occurrences for those who take their lawn care seriously.

Fortunately, even if you have lawn moles, there are measures you can take to get rid of them.

Whether you’re taking preventative caution to keep lawn moles out or trying to get rid of moles that have already taken up residence, read on to learn how to get rid of moles in your yard.

Methods for Getting Rid of Lawn Moles

Before we get into the hows and whys, here are the most common methods for riding your lawn of moles:

  • Use a mole repellant
  • Eliminate the moles’ food source
  • Don’t overwater your lawn
  • Use mole traps
  • Use mole bait and poison.
  • Plant mole-repellant plants and flowers
  • Use ultrasonic mole-repellant stakes
  • Try wind-chimes

Most of these methods can be quickly done by homeowners. However, if you’ve tried one or more of these without success, consider contacting an experienced pest control company.

Sometimes even the best DIY homeowner needs a little professional backup.

Eliminate Mole Food Sources

One of the most effective ways to get rid of moles is to make your lawn an undesirable home. How do you do this? Eliminate their food source.

While moles do feed on plant-destroying pests like grubs, they also eat beneficial insects like earthworms. As they pursue these food sources, moles tear through your plants’ root systems, causing extensive damage and unattractive mounding.

Removing earthworms may not be the best for your growing garden, but eliminating grubs is. Grubs are the larval form of most beetles. 

They add little to no value to your lawn and garden, so finding ways to limit them will help you in more ways than one.

Limit the moles’ food supply and eliminate grubs by heading to your local hardware store and grabbing products labeled to control ants, grubs, mole crickets, and other “lawn insects.”

As you starve the moles of their food source, they will move on to “greener pastures”…literally.

Avoid Over-Watering

Another helpful thing to realize is that earthworms are attracted to moist gardens and lawns. Over-watering your lawn and garden may attract more earthworms than needed, increasing your mole problem.

Earthworms and moles are especially drawn to moist lawns surrounded by otherwise dry areas. Most lawns thrive with only about 1 inch of water per week.

This amount can come from either rain or irrigation. If your lawn is getting more than 1 inch of water per week, re-assess the amount of moisture and adjust your watering habits.

Use Mole Repellant

Using lawn mole repellants is effective for mole management before or after they take up residence in your yard. Repellant granules, ready-to-sprays, and repellant stakes placed in-ground are all detestable to moles.

The main ingredient in most of these repellants is castor oil, a scent and taste that moles can’t stand. If you already have a mole infestation, apply these repellants monthly.

Typically, moles will relocate quickly once you have repellants in place; the castor oil permeates their homes.

Killing Moles

For all the animal lovers out there, we list killing lawn moles as a potential last resort. Unfortunately, if the previously listed methods are ineffective, you may need to kill these pests.

Trapping and baiting are the two ways to kill lawn moles.

Spring and fall are the best times to trap and bait lawn moles. Early spring trapping or baiting gives the added benefit of eliminating pregnant female moles.

Traps and bait need to be placed in a mole’s active runway.

You can recognize active mole runways as they run around the perimeter of your yard. If you’re unsure which are active runways, poke a finger-sized hole through one of the dirt tracks in your yard. If it is an active runway, the mole will have that hole repaired in 1-2 days.

Then you know you’ve found the right place to put bait or traps.

Using Mole Traps

One of the benefits of using traps for killing moles is the assurance that it’s working. You can see the evidence each time a trap is filled.

There are a variety of mole traps. Some include a messier spear design, and others are hands-free and draw no blood. There are also scissor traps, choker traps, or harpoon traps. The choice is yours based on preference or availability.

Live traps do exist for mole removal but require you to relocate the trapped mole. This can be tricky and, in some states, illegal. Make sure you know your state laws about pest or mole relocation before choosing the traps.

If you’re unsure which is best or which is which, talk to a reliable pest control company, and they can advise you. 

Using Mole Bait

Mole bait is placed in the active mole runways, simulating their food source (earthworms and grubs). Sprinkle or place the baited grubs or earthworms inside the mole tracks or just outside, where they are easily findable by the moles.

Moles will die within 12-24 hours of consumption. This usually happens inside their tracks where they feed, so you may not see when the moles die.

One common mole bait is the rodenticide warfarin. This chemical causes any rodents that ingest it to bleed internally. This bait is made for moles and placed in a worm-flavored gel that you can inject directly into the active mole track.

Injecting the rodenticide into the active track helps reduce the chance of another animal ingesting the poison.

Other mole baits contain zinc phosphide. When eaten by the mole, phosphine gas is released, which kills the mole within hours.

As with any pest poison, these products are also potentially harmful to humans. Read the handling directions carefully and avoid contact with the skin or mouth.

Do You Have Moles or Voles?

Most homeowners have heard of moles as runway-causing pests, but they fail to recognize another garden threat: the vole. Voles may sound similar to moles, but they are easily distinguishable. 

Voles are small, mouse-like creatures. Their runways and tracks do not mound above ground as moles do.

Vole tracks appear as surface-level dirt tracks running through lawns. They are created by the voles continuously running over the path and eating the blades of grass around the track.

Moles are larger, around 6-8 inches long. Moles have long snouts and large paddle-like front claws used for digging. 

Mole tracks mound above ground and sometimes appear like tiny volcanoes sticking above the ground.

Getting rid of voles vs. moles can be slightly different, so identifying which pest you have is essential. Keep in mind that other lawn pests may include gophers or pocket gophers. 

With some education, you can quickly identify which is which and move forward with the best removal plan.

Other Signs You Have Lawn Moles

Along with above-ground tracks or tunnels is one sign you have moles. But there are other indications that your pest problem is due to lawn moles.

Uneven Surfaces Where the Ground Sinks In

Mole tunnels can cave in when it rains, or people step on them. Their tunneling can cause your lawn to look bumpy or uneven.

Above-Ground Tunnels with “Rooms” or Larger Mounds of Dirt at the Ends

In addition to digging tunnels, moles create actual rooms underground. These are used for things like food storage and consumption. This is unique to moles and can help homeowners differentiate between moles and voles.

Dead Grass

Unlike voles, moles do not eat your grass. However, dead grass is a common sign of a mole infestation as their tunneling and digging often kill the grass around their tunnels and uproots other plants.


When moles burrow and dig for food in your yard, they leave behind volcano-shaped piles of soil 2-6 inches high, especially at the entrances to their tracks.

Dealing With a Lawn Mole Infestation

When all is said and done, even your best efforts may not be enough to rid your lawn of a mole infestation. Fortunately, you needn’t go it alone. 

Our team of experienced and expert professionals has been helping homeowners handle pest problems for 50 years. With Amco Ranger, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

Contact us today and let our team answer any questions about pest control for your home. We’re also happy to give you a free quote so you are fully informed about what mole removal may entail.

Don’t let lawn moles destroy the beautiful lawn and garden you’ve worked so hard to cultivate. Give Amco Ranger a call today!

8 Early Warning Signs of a Termite Infestation in Your Home

Termites infest around 600,000 homes, causing the average homeowner to pay $3,000 in repair bills. The termites cause $5 billion in damage to property across the US each year and a whopping $30 billion in damage to infrastructure and crops.

This highly adaptable insect has survived for millions of years in woods and underground. But you definitely don’t want a termite infestation to set up camp in or around your home. 

So, what signs should you watch for that you might have a problem, and how do you get rid of termites?

Read on to learn more about the clues that might tell you that you have a termite infestation and you need professional help to address it.  

1. Signs of Termites on Your Property

When looking around for a potential termite problem, the first thing is to walk around your yard and property. 

If you have any rotting wood or stumps, you want to inspect them carefully. Look carefully at the opened-up section of wood. If the wood is rotting, attempt to break off a section of the wood. 

You may see a mass of small insects, typically white, that look a little like small ants. These are likely termites. This is an issue for you because termites can travel a good distance looking for food. 

They could travel to your home to find an additional food source if they are on your property. 

2. Exterior Damage Around Your Home

The next place you want to inspect is around the close exterior of your home.

If you have any part of your home that’s wood that touches the soil, this is a good spot to start your inspection. Termites like wet and shady spots, so also consider the location.

Inspect the condition of the wood in that area. If termites are present, it’s likely the wood will be like troughs in the wood, almost like tunnels. 

The troughs will have a rough feel to the touch if termites are present. Carpenter ants also chew in troughs, but they are usually smooth. 

3. Discarded Wings

Termites build and live in colonies. When their colony is full, they will send out termite swarmers. More on this shortly. 

They hope to look for and build a new colony when they send out the swarmers. A sign that you have a pest infestation is what’s left behind when they go looking for a new colony location. 

You might see discarded wings when they move. Look for these in places like:

  • Window sills
  • Decks or patios
  • Foundation walls
  • In spider webs

If you see discarded wings, you need to look for more signs of the termites’ location. 

4. Termite Swarmers

Physically seeing termite swarmers is pretty rare, but a sure sign you might need to investigate further. 

Termite swarmers are so rare to actually see because they only occur once or twice a year and for a short window, often less than an hour. 

The swarmers are busy looking for a new colony. When spotted outside, you need to look at places around your home that would be susceptible to an infestation. 

If you see termite swarmers inside your home, it’s a sure sign you already have an infestation. 

5. Mud Tubes

Generally speaking, termites don’t like heat, sun, or air on themselves. To avoid these elements, the termites will build mud tubes. 

The mud tubes act like tunnels that allow the termite to travel from the soil to the wood. 

They actually use the soil to create the tunnels. You’d most likely find wood tunnels in cool, wet spots around your home. Look closely at the foundation of your house or cement blocks for a crawl space. 

If your home has any foundation made from concrete blocks, the termites might build tunnels inside the concrete blocks, making it a real challenge to know they’re present in your home.

7. Stuck Doors and Windows

It’s no secret that termites like wood. They will also seek wood from the most accessible location, which is often wood windows and door frames. 

As termites start to eat away at wood doors, windows, and door frames, they lose their support. When the windows don’t have any support, they become more difficult to open and close. 

Sometimes, moisture seeps into the openings created by the termites, and the doors and windows don’t function as well. 


Get Help With Your Termite Infestation

You don’t want to ignore any signs of a termite infestation. The more quickly you address it, the less damage it can cause. 

If you’re unsure about the signs you’re seeing, you can seek a professional pest control for an inspection. Let us help you with pest control issues; schedule your free inspection today.

How to Humanely Get Rid of Mice

A single pair of mice can produce around 8,000 mice in a year. This is one of many reasons why you don’t want to have mice in your home. But the many available mouse traps are not very humane. 

How can you humanely get rid of mice? The trick mainly involves prevention. But there are a few humane ways you can solve a rodent infestation if prevention is no longer an option. 

Keep reading and learn more about how it works below.

Store Your Food Safely

If you want to avoid a mouse problem, you need to take better care of your food. Mice have amazing noses and they can smell food from long distances away. Many people leave food lying around because they don’t know any better.

Do you have open bags of chips sitting around? What about bowls of fruit or food that hasn’t been packaged well? All of this is a disaster waiting to happen. 

Once mice smell that food, they’ll try anything to squeeze into your house. Don’t be surprised if you start hearing mice scuttling around your house soon after. Crumbs are very attractive to mice as well.

Leaving a few crumbs on your kitchen counter or the floor will attract mice from all around. This is why it is important to keep your home as clean as possible if you’re worried about mice. All your food should be stored inside cabinets or sealed containers. 

This is important for everything from potato chips and cereal to leftovers.

The Details

Sweeping under your furniture can help too. There are likely old crumbs of food under your furniture.

They might not be noticeable to you, but they are very noticeable to mice. You should also be wary of your garbage. Suppose you forgot to close the lid to your trash can. 

This might not seem like a big deal. But it can cause a mouse infestation in no time. You’ll then have to call a pest control service or try to tackle the problem yourself. 

But you can easily avoid this by closing the trash can’s lid. This makes it much harder for the mice to get into your trash. It will also make your trash less attractive to mice. 

They might not bother with your trash and instead, find an easier target.

Try Live Traps

Many people don’t like the idea of using mousetraps or glue traps. These hurt the mice and they may have an agonizing time before they die. You don’t have to be cruel to get mice out of your house. 

You can instead try live traps. These traps don’t kill the mice once they get trapped. They are small boxes that prevent a mouse from exiting once it enters. 

There is nothing that snaps or smashes a part of the mouse’s body. The mouse will stay safely inside the trap until you go retrieve it. You can then bring the trap outside and open it. 

This allows the mouse to go back into the wild without being harmed or killed. But these traps can turn inhumane if you’re not careful. Keeping a mouse inside the trap for too long will cause it to starve to death. 

It may also die of dehydration. There is a chance that a mouse could die from excessive stress too. You need to check a live trap every hour or so if you want to use it humanely. 

You shouldn’t bother with this trap if you are going to be away from home for several hours or days. The mouse that you trap will be dead within such a long period. 

What You Need to Know

You can increase your chances of catching a mouse by putting food inside to lure the mouse. But you should always keep the trap clean if you aren’t using it. Food residue or crumbs can make the trap a magnet for mice. 

Be careful when cleaning these traps since mice carry diseases. Hosing it down is a good way to do away with any residue inside the trap. You can easily obtain these traps at many hardware stores. 

But don’t confuse live traps with inhumane traps as they look similar. 

Call a Pest Control Service

Suppose you’ve tried everything to get mice out of your house. You may have cleaned up all the crumbs and closed the trash can. You may have tried a variety of live traps too. 

But you still have a mouse problem. You can solve this issue by calling a pest control service. Pest control services know all about mice and how they behave. 

They also know what might be attracting them and where they’re coming from. Pest control services know how to humanely remove mice from any environment. They can prevent the same problem from happening in the future too. 

They are far more effective than any trap or preventative measure. These services work fast too. Your mouse problem should be gone by the end of the day or so.

You can then go back to enjoying your home without any mice getting in the way.

How to Get Rid of Mice Humanely

You don’t have to be cruel to get rid of mice. You can prevent the problem by storing your food properly and closing your trash can lid. You can also try live traps if mice are already inside your home. 

Pest control services are your best option since they are experienced and high-quality. To learn more about these services, check out what we have to offer

7 Common Pest Control Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Pests. They’re creepy and furry; they crawl and they scurry. They’re unsanitary nuisances and unwelcome guests inside and outside your home.

Not only that, but they’re also extremely destructive. The cost of damage to man-made structures from pests such as termites and other types of pests can cost $30 billion each year. The average homeowner will spend around $3,000 on average in an attempt to fix this damage.

If you’re looking for ways to prevent some of the most common pest control mistakes, this guide can help. Keep reading below for 7 common pest control mistakes and how you can avoid making them. 

1. Not Addressing the Origin of the Pests

Your go-to method for taking care of pests in your home may be to just spray or trap insects and other types of pests as you see them and leave it at that. But one of the most common pest control mistakes is not finding the source of where the pests are originating from in the first place. You’re merely eliminating the ones you can see and ignoring the hidden ones that will emerge later on.

For example, Brown Recluse Spiders are dangerous with their necrotic venomous bites. They are the 3rd most venomous spiders in North America, alongside the Black Widow and the Chilean Recluse. 

Seeing one Brown Recluse Spider may mean there are plenty more nearby lying in wait. Female Brown Recluse Spiders can lay up to 5 egg sacs with 40-50 eggs in each one. You must find these nests to eradicate future infestations and seal off any areas where they may be getting into your home.

2. Not Being Proactive with Routine Upkeep

Home is where the heart is, but it’s also where the pests are. Having a messy home is another one of the most common pest control mistakes you can make. It’s a goldmine for pests looking for a cozy place to nest and potentially reproduce.

You need to regularly clean and tidy up your surroundings inside and out. This includes removing junk from any dark, dank, and warm areas where items go untouched for long periods of time like the attic and basement. It also pertains to cleaning out dirty rain gutters and maintaining overgrowth in your front and backyard lawn areas.

If you have a pest control service, make sure that you’re scheduling regular inspections and sprayings throughout the year to keep pests at bay. 

3. Using the Wrong DIY Pest Spray or Trap

You may think that one pest control spray or trap is multipurpose for different types of pests, but the misuse of these sprays and traps leads to further common pest control mistakes. Spraying a trail of ants may only kill the ones you see on contact, but it won’t stop the rest of the ant colony from invading your home. 

You need to use ant bait that the scout ants will mistake for food and bring back to the colony. This will help address the ant problem at the source. When using topical insecticide sprays, you need to find the proper spray that is specially formulated for the appropriate types of pests for the most effective use. 

4. Not Identifying the Right Type of Pest

To the naked eye, an ant is an ant. But did you know that there are around 1,000 different ant species in the U.S. alone? Some are just harmless annoyances while others pack a powerful and painful bite or sting. Ants come from the same insect order (Hymenoptera) that also encompasses wasps and bees.

You may see an ant’s black or red coloring and nothing else. A red ant could be a regular carpenter ant or it could be a fire ant with a stinging bite. A black ant could be a carpenter ant, capable of causing structural damage to wood structures similar to termites.

You need to determine the types of pests you’re dealing with to get the most effective extermination methods in place. Using the same type of pesticide for ant bait traps over and over again will cause the ants to become resistant to it and it will lose its effectiveness. 

5. Overusing Pest Sprays

You may think that more is better when using pest sprays. But this also falls in line with common pest control mistakes. Chemical-based pesticide sprays are highly concentrated and in large doses can cause health issues inside and outside of your home. 

Breathing in the fumes from caustic pest sprays can cause respiratory issues. Headaches, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue are also common symptoms of exposure to high levels of pest spray. If you must use chemical pest sprays, always ensure you have proper ventilation, wear a safety mask and gloves, and only administer the recommended amount.

Keep children and small pets away from areas with pest spray contact. Never use dedicated pest sprays directly on children and pets as these can be toxic to their health.

6. Thinking the Problem Will Go Away on Its Own

You may believe that extreme cold or hot weather will be enough to take care of your pest problem. Or you could trust that Mother Nature will just run its course and they will die off on their own. While some insects and arachnids have notoriously short lifespans, believing your pest problem will resolve itself over time is one of the worst and most common pest control mistakes.    

Without proper intervention, this is when your pests will most likely multiply. In just a short amount of time, your pest problem can develop into a full-blown infestation. This can cost you hundreds to even thousands of dollars trying to clean up the problem and the damage from pests.

7. Not Using a Professional Pest Control Service

Homeowners may also try to take matters into their own hands to cut down on pest control costs. About 74% of homeowners in the U.S. will attempt to use some type of DIY pest control to manage these issues. But they can still encounter common pest control mistakes.

Trying to solve the problem yourself in an effort to save money on pest control costs will only lead to bigger problems down the road. This could end up costing you more in the long run in damage from pests. DIY pest control is only a band-aid method that may cover up issues like a growing infestation.

A professional pest control service has the proper pest control equipment and knowledge to find the source and manage the issue effectively. They will also perform necessary pest control inspections to keep your home pest-free.

Manage Your Common Pest Control Mistakes with AMCO Ranger Pest Control Service

Your home is your castle, don’t roll out the welcome mat for uninvited pests. Keep your home pest-free and avoid common pest control mistakes with AMCO Ranger Pest Control Service in Missouri.

With AMCO Ranger Pest Control Service, you’ll get the right pest control equipment and expertise needed to manage a variety of different types of pests. We have over 50 years of experience in the pest control industry. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and strive to deliver the highest quality service.

Contact us today to get a free quote and schedule a free inspection for your pest control service needs. 

The 3 Different Types of Subterranean Termites, Explained

Once, we turned to a group of Missouri homeowners and asked them to draw us a picture of a termite. Some sketched out white ants, while others doodled something that looked like a housefly. If the average homeowner isn’t sure what a termite looks like, it’s much harder to ensure there aren’t any eating away at their house!

There is one common type of termite that causes destruction in our region. Subterranean termites can nibble away at your foundation until your beautiful home is a husk of splinters and paint.

The first step toward security is education. We’ve created this guide to help our local families and businesses understand what to look for when they suspect they have an unwanted guest lurking in the walls.

Read on to learn about the different types of termites—and what to do if you hear munching from behind the wallpaper.

All About Subterranean Termites

When you look at a subterranean termite, it’s challenging to spot a feature that makes them unique. To the average eye, they resemble ants. Worker termites across all groups and species are nearly identical, making identification based on appearance a challenge.

The trick to quick identification is to assess the termites’ location and the damage they have caused. Naturally, subterranean termites make their nests underground. They construct a series of tunnels that help them to navigate.

To move above ground, subterranean termites construct mud tubes. They thrive in wet spaces, so the moist earth is essential. A mud tube looks like an oblong streak of mud on the ground or the side of a structure.

You can confirm the presence of subterranean termites by examining the wood they’ve consumed. These insects eat softwood, leaving any hardwood behind as they tunnel through. You’ll notice streaks of dirt left behind, which fill the tunnel system.

Take a look at the tunnels. Do they go with the wood grain or against it? Subterranean termites are particular and prefer to go with the grain.

Subterranean termites love warm, damp places, making Missouri an ideal place to feed and breed. The most obvious sign that you have an infestation is the presence of mud tunnels on the outside or foundation of your home. Schedule an inspection to confirm the presence of these pests and stop damage in its tracks.

Types of Subterranean Termites

The reason why identifying termites is such a challenge is because termites play different roles, even within a single colony. Think about the different types of bees that sustain life in the hive. Termites have a similar system.

The four types of subterranean termites you might see include workers, swarmers, soldiers, and queens. Each looks slightly different, though they’re all part of the same species. Understanding each type can help you recognize what termites do at stages of their unique lifecycle.

Worker Termites

A worker termite is a worker with a job. Like a commuting human, the worker leaves the nest to support the colony. They seek out sources of food and nutrition, such as the wood in your home.

Other worker termites focus on maintenance tasks. They construct and repair the mud tubes that lead to the food. The workers consume cellulose, so they are highly motivated to complete this essential task.

Swarmer Termites

Much of the time, swarmer termites don’t do much. They don’t even eat. When the time is right, it’s the swarmers’ job to seek out mates so they can establish new colonies.

Swarmer termites are recognizable because they have wings. Because swarmers have such a short and clear-cut task, they die if they’ve been unsuccessful. Thousands of termites might be born, but very few will survive.

In the spring, you might see hundreds or thousands of dead termites on your property. They tend to stay within a 300-foot radius during the mating process. Swarmers resemble winged ants.

Soldier Termites

Soldier termites are always on the defensive. They are larger than workers and physically attack pests that enter the nest. They can also bite humans they perceive as a threat, so watch out.

Soldier termites don’t eat wood, so they aren’t a direct threat to your home. However, soldiers don’t appear without workers. Another part of their job is to stay in contact with workers as they repair systems.

Queen Termites

Queens live a long time (as long as 50 years!), so the queen in your colony is probably the oldest termite present. It’s her job to lay eggs until the next is large and thriving. The worker termites care for the queen, ensuring the colony’s survival.

Queens don’t move much, and you will probably never see one. Even so, a queen’s presence means more workers are being born, and that’s a problem! Schedule an inspection to ensure an end to the queen’s reign.

What Do Different Types of Termites Have in Common?

The one thing that all different termites have in common is a propensity for destruction. The presence of all types of termites signals costly damage to your home. While the specialists at Amco Ranger can help eliminate pests, the best course of action is to prevent infestation altogether.

If you believe your home or business is susceptible to termite infestation, a little prevention goes a long way. A free, no-obligation inspection can save you thousands of dollars in damages. We’ll help you make a plan to ensure hungry insects won’t stand a chance!

Amco Ranger Eliminates All Types of Termites

If you’re hosting subterranean termites, act fast to save your home. All types of termites can contribute to damage that can lead to financial devastation. If you suspect that insects are wreaking havoc on your foundation, it’s time to make a call.

The pest control professionals at Amco Ranger are experts at identifying termites. They can eliminate the problem without disrupting your life. Reach out to schedule your free inspection – we’ll help ease your mind.

Summer Pests: How To Keep Your Home Pest Free During the Hottest Months

Did you know that there are several insect-borne diseases prevalent in Missouri? These include Lyme disease spread by ticks and West Nile virus spread by mosquitoes.

Summer pests are more than just a nuisance. They can make you or your family members extremely sick.

You want to enjoy summer fun in the sun, not worry about pests making you sick. So how can you keep your home pest-free during the summer months? What can you do yourself and when will you need help from pest control services?

Let’s take a deep dive into how you can keep unwanted visitors out of your home this summer.

Remove Pest Breeding Grounds

According to the CDC, mosquitoes like water with little or no flow.

This might make you think of lakes and ponds, but the reality is that they only need a tiny container full of water to lay their eggs. It’s easy to leave a plant pot out in the rain in a seldom-used part of the garden. That can quickly become full of mosquito larvae and put a serious dampener on your summer fun. 

It’s a good idea to do a thorough inspection of your backyard and remove anything with pooling water in it. This could be a water feature with standing water, upturned containers, or even a watering can with water left in it.

Pet bowls full of water can also attract critters. Of course, you don’t want to limit your dog’s water intake, but make sure that it’s changed regularly.

If you’re not sure what you’re looking for, call pest control. They’ll help you to go through your home and yard and identify pests that are already there or conditions that could attract them.

Other Reasons for Removing Water

Mosquitoes are not the only pests that love water. All pests need water, and rodents will flock to any water source in your yard. Silverfish, ants, and cockroaches all love water. 

Start by removing water sources outside your home, such as puddles and leaky faucets. Then start checking indoors. Check under sinks and in vanities to make sure there are no puddles for hydrating pesky critters!

Keep Your Yard Tidy

Piles of leaves and yard debris can provide nesting sites and materials for pests. Keep the yard well swept and pest-proof your compost bin. Resist the temptation to compost meat scraps that could attract pests.

Branches that overhang your roof can give pests a helping hand. It’s easy for them to travel along these branches and right into your roof space. Keep them well-trimmed to avoid this.

Finally, keep your gutters clean. Mice love clogged gutters, and if they take up residence, they’ll be in your home in no time. If you spot a snake hanging from your gutter, it’s time to call pest control services immediately!

Remove Sources of Food

Food residue, crumbs, and spilled food are magnets for rodents and cockroaches. Ants are attracted to all food but especially anything containing sugar. Keep your kitchen very clean and store foodstuffs in well-sealed containers or in the fridge.

Also, don’t leave dirty dishes out overnight. Either do the dishes or put the dishwasher on every night before going to bed. 

You’ll need to be extra vigilant if you’ve got small children in the house. As adorable as they are, they can tend to leave a trail of food residue in their wake. Be careful to vacuum or wipe up every last crumb and morsel so you’re not providing an all-you-can-eat buffet for neighborhood pests.

Pets can also be messy eaters. And messy poopers. Both their food and waste will attract pests, so be sure to clean up both as quickly as possible. 

Take Out the Trash Regularly

Trash sitting in your house during the warmer months can quickly start sending out signals to local pests. You need to take out the trash—especially food scraps—regularly and deposit them in sealed trash cans outside. 

Batten Down the Hatches

It’s virtually impossible to remove every single pest entry point from your home, but you can give it your best shot.

We’re talking gaps around window and door frames and gaps in baseboards. Make sure gaps around external pipe entry points are completely sealed. All external doors should either be self-closing or have a second screen door.

Try to keep your windows and doors closed as much as possible. But if you do need some fresh air, make sure they have mesh screens in place. Door sweeps on external doors are also a great idea, taking away a potential entry point for bugs and small rodents.

Pest Control Solutions

Although there are lots of practical steps you can take to discourage pests, they can be pretty determined. If you’re fighting a losing battle, a pest control service can help you win.

Pests control has access to insecticides and other equipment that are not available at the hardware store. They have a ton of local knowledge and experience that they can use to your benefit. 

One potential solution a pests control service can use is bug traps. They entice bugs in and then trap them. Others cause bugs to spread poison in the nest, getting to the root of the problem.

Whatever pest issue you’re facing, pest control will have a solution that can remove the problem and keep them away. They can also tackle termites. They can cause real structural damage if they’re not removed quickly and professionally.

Pest Control Services Can Help You Enjoy Your Summer

Summer should be a time for enjoying your backyard without worrying about pests spoiling the fun. For peace of mind, call pest control services to assess your home and provide the treatments you need.

At AMCO Ranger Termite & Pest Solutions, we provide tailored treatment plans for our valued customers. If you’re in the St. Charles, MO, or St. Louis, MO, areas, we’re here to help.

Schedule a free, no-obligation inspection or call us today at (636) 441 BUGS (2847).

Common Restaurant Pests and Their Favorite Hiding Spots

No matter how superb your food is, the quality of your service, or the beautiful ambiance, nothing can tear down a successful restaurant faster than a pest problem. 

Common pests are unhygienic and dangerous as many of them carry harmful diseases that could infiltrate your food, and make your patrons ill. In this case, you’re not only facing a doomed reputation, but you could have a potential lawsuit on your hands. 

Pests in restaurants are common, but it’s important to call in restaurant pest control if you can’t keep them at bay. Here are the common culprits and where they tend to hide… 

1. The Common Cockroach 

Is there anywhere that a cockroach cannot infiltrate? The short answer is no. They’re the type of bug that shows up just about everywhere, no matter how clean your home or business is. 

The bad news is that cockroaches carry a ton of bacteria that could spread throughout your restaurant kitchen. They’re also capable of triggering certain allergens and allergies among your patrons. They are a tricky pest to locate because of how swift, sneaky, and quiet they are. 

They’re also capable of building large families in a small amount of time, leaving you with an infestation before you know it. You need to hire a professional who has the knowledge and tools to locate these creepy critters and take care of an infestation. This way you can prevent them from returning and regulate your kitchen/restaurant hygiene for the long term. 

2. Rodents (Rats and Mice) 

They may not be as common as cockroaches, but rodents pose a big problem when they’ve infiltrated your restaurant and its kitchen. Not only can they get into your stock and demolish it within days, but they can also spread very harmful bacteria throughout your facility, too. 

Rodents are also capable of damaging your packaging, products, equipment, wiring, and other structures. This usually happens through constant gnawing and chewing. Their droppings harbor bacteria and diseases that can make your patrons very ill. 

Fortunately, rodents are much easier to locate so you have a better chance of avoiding an infestation if you call in a pest expert as soon as you notice them!

3. Flies

There are tricky pests to try and control because they’re able to sneak into your premises through open doors, windows, openings, vents, and other cracks and crevices. They’re an annoying pest that tends to carry bacteria that could easily spread throughout your kitchen and restaurant. 

What’s more, they’re also difficult to control in warmer climates, especially during the summer months. However, there are plenty of ways and means to control flies in your restaurant — you just need the help of a local pest expert.    

4. Flying/Stinging Pests 

Similar to flies, these types of pests are difficult to control, especially if your restaurant offers an alfresco dining area. Stinging pests pose a real problem to certain patrons who also might have an allergic reaction to their stings. This tends to up the stakes even more in terms of liability as a restaurant owner.

Such pests might include wasps, hornets, bees, etc. They’re capable of building large nests that can become very tricky to remove once they’re big enough. 

5. Product Pests 

These types of critters are so named because they tend to creep, crawl, and breed inside all your stored products. This includes pantry staples such as rice, flour, cereals, beans, nuts, barley, etc. Again, this poses a huge risk to the health of your patrons and your reputation if you’re serving these cooked products with insects inside them! 

Product pests are also difficult to control as they breed quickly and can contaminate large amounts of product with their eggs and larvae. 



6. Ants

This list of common restaurant pests would not be complete without mentioning ants. Although, ants are a common problem in many residential and commercial environments — just like cockroaches. 

There is a huge range of ant species, each with its own characteristics. They’re all capable of causing damage to your kitchen, your stock, and your reputation. They breed extremely fast and are difficult to control. As soon as you notice an ant issue, call in a pest expert right away who can help you locate the colony, and set up appropriate control. 

So, with all of the above in mind, where do all of these sneaky pests tend to hide and breed? Here are some of the most common areas: 

  • Exterior surroundings outside your restaurant that tend to gather dirt, debris, clutter, and stagnant water 
  • Your roof — ceiling cavities can gather dirt, grime, and dust and become a hot spot for insect breeding grounds 
  • False ceilings — hanging ceilings create the perfect gap between your roof and the false ceiling that harbors pests such as rodents, cockroaches, and flies 
  • Air ducting — your HVAC system is also a hot spot for insect breeding grounds, especially if you neglect to clean and maintain these areas 
  • Drainage areas — it goes without saying that commercial drains get dirty, fast. If you don’t clean them on a regular basis, they’ll attract just about every pest in the book 
  • Gas stoves — this piece of equipment features plenty of small nooks and crevices that also accumulate grease and grime at a rate of knots. This makes a perfect environment for insects like cockroaches and ants 
  • Incoming stock — remember that you cannot count on the cleanliness of your suppliers and their delivery vehicles. Your supplies could harbor plenty of unwanted pests 

At the end of the day, the best thing you can do to protect your business is to keep things as clean and hygienic as possible. Never wait to see if an insect issue will resolve itself. Nine times out of ten, it won’t. It might only get worse!  







Need Help Getting Rid of Common Pests? 

If you’re a restaurant owner and believe you could have a pest problem, Amco Ranger is here to find the source of your issue with these common pests, and take care of it once and for all. 

As your local pest experts, we have in-depth experience in both residential and commercial settings. Interested in a free quote? Get in touch with us today. 

Expert Advice on How to Prevent Bed Bugs

Each year, 1 out of every 5 households in the United States is affected by bed bugs. A survey also found that 97% of pest control services reported treating bed bugs in the past. Why are bed bugs so intrusive and essential to remove from your home? 

A bed bug’s primary source of food is human blood. Although you can find bed bugs just about anywhere in the home, the bed is the most common hiding place for them. During the night when you sleep, they’ll come out to feed. 

Knowing how to prevent bed bugs is crucial for protecting your home from these pesky invaders. Continue reading below to learn more about bed bugs and how to keep them out of your home. 

Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?

Before we dive into different ways of preventing bed bugs, it’s beneficial to know where bed bugs come from. Bed bugs can enter your home in a few different ways. One common way to get bed bugs is through traveling. 

Anyone, including yourself, that travels and then enters your home is putting your home at risk of a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs are commonly found in hotel rooms and airports. They hitchhike on clothing, luggage, and boxes. 

Bed bugs can also enter your home by hitchhiking on used furniture pieces brought into your home from somewhere else where bed bugs were present. 

How to Prevent Bed Bugs

There are a few ways to prevent bed bugs from entering your home. It’s essential you know how to prevent them as riding your home from an infestation can get expensive and stressful. Here are several precautions you can take. 

Check Used Furniture and Clothes 

There’s nothing more rewarding than finding a used piece of furniture to bring home and restore. The same is true for finding gently used clothing at a discounted price. Don’t let bed bugs stop you from enjoying all the great feelings associated with finding a great deal. 

Instead, be cautious when selecting used items to bring home. Always check furniture pieces with a flashlight for early signs of bed bugs and possible other pests. Look in corners of the furniture pieces and other hiding places. 

When bringing used clothing home, always wash it on a hot setting first before setting the clothing pieces down anywhere in the home. 

Protect Your Mattress and Box Spring

Because bed bugs’ number one hiding place is on your mattress and bed frame, it’s important to protect all the above. To do this, you can place a protective cover on the mattress and box spring. Choose a light-colored mattress color so you can easily see a bed bug.

You can also place a natural bed bug deterrent on your mattress before placing the cover and fitted sheet over it. 

Wash Sheets Once a Week

Even with a good cover over your mattress and box spring, you still want to wash the sheets once a week. Be sure to wash everything on the bed, including the mattress cover and pillowcases. Wash these items in the hot setting to ensure they’re kept clean and free of bed bugs. 

If you use a shared laundry facility, then remember to stay cautious and prevent your sheets from coming into contact with anyone else’s laundry. 

Vacuum on a Regular Basis

You should also vacuum at least once a week or more. Vacuuming will help remove any bed bugs that might not have reached the bed yet. It’s also beneficial to remove clutter from your home. 

Although these pests are most commonly found on the bed, they can also find their way onto couches and other hiding places around the home. The less clutter in your home, the fewer hiding places for bed bugs. 

Avoid Placing Luggage on Beds

Traveling is a great way to free and refresh your mind and is often needed. Don’t allow bed bugs to stop you from enjoying your travels. Instead, know how to travel safely. 

Never place your luggage on the bed whether you’re in a hotel room or at home. Luggage should always remain on a hard surface. You should also keep all of your clothing items in your own bag or hanging up in a closet.

Avoid using dresser drawers for these items. 

Inspect Beds When Traveling

It’s also a good idea to bring a small flashlight along with you when traveling. Use this flashlight to inspect the sheets on your bed. Then, pull back the sheets to inspect the bare mattress as well. 

Look for signs not only of live bed bugs but small blood stains and fecal matter as well. 

How to Remove Bed Bugs

Unfortunately, bed bugs are sneaky pests that can enter your home by a number of methods, which are sometimes not prevented. If you believe your home is infested with bed bugs, then you’ll want to know how to remove them with proper bed bug extermination.

Here’s what you need to know.

Replace Your Mattress

If bed bugs are isolated to one mattress only, then an easy fix is to remove the mattress from your home and purchase a new one. However, bed bugs also live in box springs and bed frames as well. For this reason, you’ll need to replace your entire bed set. 

Do keep in mind, though, that bed bugs might also be living in the carpet, on curtains, on couches, and on other pieces of furniture, so replacing your bed set isn’t always the answer. 

Contact Professional Pest Services

Contacting professional pest services that offer bed bug treatment is the best course of action to take. Professional pest services will inspect your home for bed bugs and then use the proper treatment to remove all bed bugs from the entire house. 

High heat treatments using professional equipment will eliminate all bed bugs from your home. The professionals will also ensure this by offering a 100% guarantee. 

Schedule a Free Inspection Today

Are you dealing with a bed bug infestation? Are you not sure how to prevent bed bugs or if there are bed bugs in your home? 

At Amco Ranger, we offer a variety of pest control services, including bed bug treatment. Schedule a free inspection and get your free quote today to get the process started!