Do Mosquitoes Hibernate?

Mosquitoes are not only pesky insects that cause those red, itchy bumps on the skin. They also carry many harmful diseases, such as malaria. This is why, as much as many people hate to see summer come to an end, they are also very happy that it typically also means the end of mosquitoes. Where do mosquitoes go once the summer months are over, though? Do they all die and if so, how do they come out in such great numbers at the start of spring and summer? Although many mosquitoes simply die off once a chill starts to fill the air, many others go into hibernation and are ready to come out once the air starts to turn warmer.

How Mosquitoes are Able to Hibernate

Like reptiles, mosquitoes are cold-blooded pests. This means that their body temperature quickly adjusts to the temperature of their environment. It is for this reason that mosquitoes, like most other insects, are seen more often in the warmer months. When mosquitoes do reside in colder temperatures, they will likely die off once winter hits. Mosquitoes that live in climates with milder temperatures, though, typically enter hibernation when the weather becomes a bit cooler. 

In the first few weeks of spring, female mosquitoes stop hibernating and start immediately consuming blood meals and then laying eggs. Typically, the only females that enter hibernation are the ones that were more mature at the end of the prior summer months. 

Mosquito eggs that were laid but not hatched prior to the colder months can also hibernate. This is known as embryo hibernation. The mosquitoes inside these eggs can survive the winter weather, even when they do not have any water. Mosquito larvae can even make it through winter, although this is much more rare. When larvae have to make it through a winter, they typically reside in freshwater marshes so they are buried under several layers of mud, where it is warmer.

Hibernation Means Longer Lifespans

The lifespan of a mosquito is not very long. Males typically only live between ten to twenty days, while females can live as long as 100 days. However, hibernation can lengthen the life of a mosquito. When males enter hibernation, even though they are completely inactive, they can live between six and eight months.

Arctic mosquitoes, which have an incredible ability to stay alive through hibernation in the most frigid temperatures, can live even longer once they hibernate. These insects are often able to live up to one year.

Locations for Hibernation

In order to hibernate, mosquitoes need a secluded and protected area. They often choose hollowed logs, and even dens where other animals reside. When able, they will enter into man-made structures, such as homes and sheds. 

Our Missouri Pest Control Company can Help with Your Mosquito Problem

Although the winter months in Missouri are sometimes harsh, it is nice that they are also free of mosquitoes. If you need help with a mosquito problem this spring, our St. Louis pest control company is here to help. Call us at (636) 223-4804 to schedule a free inspection so we can get started on your infestation right away.

Can You See Bed Bugs?

Many people are worried about bed bugs, but the fear that bed bugs are hiding in plain sight and cannot be seen by the human eye only increases this concern. Fortunately, it is relatively easy to see bed bugs with the human eye, even if people have to go searching for them in between folds of sheets and other fabric. Bed bugs do not typically come out of their crevices unless they are looking for food. It is for this reason that anyone that suspects that they have a bed bug problem should search for them, know what to look for, and know what to do if they see one or more of these pesky insects.

What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

To spot bed bugs, you of course have to know what they look like. Adult bed bugs are typically five to seven millimeters long, about the size of an apple seed. Bed bugs lay eggs and these are typically more difficult to identify. Young bed bugs are not typically visible because they are extremely small and translucent in color. The eggs of a bed bug are usually about the size of a pinhead. 

Bed bugs are brown or reddish-brown in appearance and their bodies are slightly elongated and have an oval shape. Bed bugs do have wings, although they do not fly. Sometimes, particularly when there is a very large infestation, people may smell bed bugs before they see them because they emit a musty smell. 

Where Do Bed Bugs Hide?

Desire their name, bed bugs do not only make beds their place of residence. Other places bed bugs like to reside include:

  • In between the folds of curtains
  • In the joints of drawers
  • Within loose wallpaper
  • In the seams of chairs and other soft furniture

Bed bugs are often found when people are cleaning their homes, such as vacuuming couch cushions or changing sheets on a bed. Even when the bed bugs are not seen, signs that they are around may be noticed. These signs include red or rust-colored stains on mattresses and bed sheets. This is typically because they have been crushed. Dark dots, which are sometimes blurry, are evidence of bed bugs defecating, which is indicative of an infestation. Additionally, while it is very difficult to spot the eggs of a bed bug, it is sometimes possible and some may even find the shells of the eggs left behind once the larvae leaves them.

Our Missouri Pest Control Company can Help With Bed Bugs

If you have seen bed bugs around your home, or signs such as their shells, our St. Charles pest control company is here to help. At Amco Ranger, we know how difficult it is to eradicate bed bugs, but we also know how to do it effectively and efficiently so you can reclaim your home. Call us today at (636) 224-6099 to schedule a free inspection so we can examine your space and provide more information about how we can help.