Fall Lawn Care in St. Louis & St. Charles

As the heat of summer gives way to the cooler, crisper days of fall, it’s time to prepare your lawn for fall and winter. Check out the tips below, and you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful, green, weed-free lawn next spring.


Keep doing what you’re doing

Existing lawn care, such as mowing, edging, and watering should continue as needed. Remember that while the best time to water is early in the morning, the best time to mow is in the evening right before the sun goes down, because the grass is dry and temperatures are cooler.


Fall planting

Early fall is the best time to plant trees and shrubs, because planting in autumn allows them time to establish their roots and transition into the garden while the conditions aren’t as harsh.


Air it out

Aeration perforates the lawn by removing small plugs and has several benefits for your lawn. It takes compaction out of the soil, which allows for better water percolation and allows fertilizer to reach the root zone. The plugs that are left on the surface due to aeration also have a purpose: The soil from the plugs will dissolve into your turf, and the microbes from the soil will decompose the thatch (a layer of organic matter that accumulates on a lawn around the base of the grass plants).


Remember to fertilize

When you feed your lawn in the fall with a fall/winter fertilizer, the nutrients are changed into carbohydrates, which improve the root system in your lawn. By putting energy into the roots instead of promoting blade growth, you are improving your lawn for next spring.


Get it under control

Fall is a great time to control broadleaf weeds in your lawn. Broadleaf weeds like clover and dandelions prepare themselves for winter just like your lawn. There are many options for lawn weed killer, which work by causing the plant to grow beyond its ability to sustain that growth. For best results, try to spray for weeds when temperatures are in the mid-50s or warmer.


Mow it down

As the weather cools in the fall, lower the height of your mower. Mowing the lawn shorter in the fall encourages rhizome (stems running underground horizontally) development in the turf, which will thicken the lawn and help choke out weeds. Begin in September and continue through October, gradually reducing the height of your lawn until you’re mowing to a height of approximately one inch. By slowly reducing the height, your lawn will not be stressed by the shorter mower height as the fall temperatures cool.


Overseed it

Fall is the best time to seed, because warm soil temperatures and plenty of rain help the seeds germinate quickly. The faster the seed germinates and the lawn becomes more established, the less competition it has with weeds. The cool air temperatures also allow the young lawn to grow strong without the threat of heat stress. If weeds have caused thin areas, make sure you kill and remove the weeds before overseeding.


We do lawn care

Did you know that Amco Ranger does lawn care in addition to pest control? We give these services the same professional attention to detail and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Give us a call today to ensure a lush-looking lawn in the spring.

Wrong season? Check out our spring bug survival guide.

How to Get Rid of Centipedes and Silverfish

Creepy crawlies can invade your home and give you quite a scare when one appears on your wall or runs across the bathroom floor. Two common pests that are often mistaken for each other are centipedes and silverfish. Both of these pests like damp conditions and can be a nuisance to your family. How do you tell the difference?


House Centipede

Appearance: About one to 1-1/2 inches long; flattened, with one pair of legs on most of their segments; segments number from 10 to 100; yellowish, brown, or grey-yellow with bands of brown striping on their torsos and long legs.

Habits: Usually live outdoors beneath damp accumulations of leaves, stones, boards, etc.; sometimes find their way into homes, where they hide in dark, moist basements and bathrooms; when disturbed, they run fast.

Diet: Insects and spiders.

Life span: Some species live as long six years.

Harmful? They can bite humans and administer venom if cornered, but neither the bite nor the venom is dangerous. They don’t carry disease, eat your food, or damage clothing. They only eat bugs, which can actually be beneficial.



Appearance: About 1/4-1/2 inch long, somewhat “carrot-shaped” from above; grey-blue or silver; three filaments extend from rear.

Habits: Nocturnal; move swiftly, can jump; found in cool, dark, damp places like basements, bathrooms, laundry rooms.

Diet: Carbohydrates, sugars, and starches found in books, glue, silk, food, and flour.

Life span: About two years.

Harmful? They don’t bite or spread disease but can destroy books, papers, clothing, and other textiles.


Getting Rid of Centipedes and Silverfish


Remove moisture

Fix any leaky pipes and use dehumidifiers to reduce areas of high moisture. Install an exhaust fan in the bathroom. Centipedes will actually dry up and die without adequate moisture, while the silverfish will seek a new place to live.


Clean the house

Silverfish feed on anything organic so clean up food crumbs and spills and clean dishes right away. Vacuum regularly. Also refrain from stacking books, papers, mail, etc. in boxes or in high moisture areas such as basements. This is the perfect feeding ground for a silverfish. Cleaning should also get rid of other types of insects that the centipedes eat.


Store off-season clothing in sealed bins

Avoid storing your clothes in dark closets or basement areas as silverfish prefer inhabiting dark areas and will destroy your clothing. Try placing them in plastic bags or sealed bins with tight lids.

No matter how strange, intimidating, or pervasive your pest infestation, you can trust that Amco Ranger knows exactly how to handle it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Give us a call today if you need helping getting rid of house centipedes and silverfish.

Have seasonal allergies? Let us help you.