If you have a mole problem, there’s a good chance that you’ll never see the actual moles. Instead, you’ll see the damage they do to your yard, which is extensive. These creatures are very hard workers, and very skilled at digging. For this reason, you’ll likely find holes in your backyard or, in the event that the moles do come to the surface, you may find molehills. The holes that are in your backyard are not only unsightly and bad for your landscaping, but they are also dangerous. While outside mowing your lawn, or simply trying to enjoy your own backyard, it’s very easy to step into one of these holes and trip. It’s even easier for this to happen to pets and children.
When you’ve spotted mole holes in your yard, you need mole control in O’Fallon.
The Problem of Moles
Moles are not social creatures. They don’t typically live in urban areas, so if you live near areas that are heavily wooded, you will likely encounter a mole, or at least their holes or molehills, in your yard.
Female moles can have as many as seven pups in a litter. Although they only breed once a year, typically between March and April, this can turn a small mole problem into a big one for homeowners. When several female moles are in the area, this could translate to many moles in the yard, and many of their holes, ridges, and hills.
Additionally, moles do not share tunnels because they are not social creatures. Each mole has their own tunnel, which could also contribute to the problems in your yard.
Spotting a Mole Problem
Although you will likely never see a mole if you have a problem, there are some telltale signs you can look for to determine if you have an infestation. The first are signs that moles are digging holes. Moles dig these holes for two reasons. They either want to hunt or nest. If the underground tunnels they build are shallow, you’ll find ridges in your grass. If the holes are deeper, a molehill will form.
Moles also like to stay close to the surface of the ground when they are hunting. This makes it easier for them to find food. However, it can also destroy the roots of your grass and flowers. This will create raised spots and parts of your lawn or flowerbed that begin to die and turn brown.
Controlling and Preventing Moles
Moles, like mice, are controlled by traps. Also like those sold for mice, there are two types of traps used. The first kills the mole, while the second allows them to remain alive and simply be moved elsewhere. When live traps are used, it can actually be beneficial to the environment as moles feed on grubs, which are particularly dangerous to trees, grass, and other plants.
Prevention methods typically rely on digging tunnels to deter moles. These trenches must be two to three feet deep and covered with mesh. Moles will not walk over these and so, there is a good chance that they will simply turn and walk away.
Moles are Interesting Creatures
Although they can be a nuisance, moles are also very interesting creatures. Below are just a few of the most interesting facts about moles.
- Moles can dig up to 15 feet per hour. In one 24-hour period, they can dig the length of a football field.
- While most tunnels are dug to nest or hunt, moles also dig them to get from one place to another. They can also remember the routes taken.
- Moles primarily eat insects and will eat their bodyweight in earthworms every day.
- Due to the fact that they cannot produce body fat, moles will hunt all year round.
- During mating season, moles will create larger nests that include a birthing area. They line this with plant material to make the female more comfortable during the birthing process.
- Contrary to what many people think, moles do have eyes but they are poorly developed. Moles mostly sense things out of touch, and their snout is very sensitive.
- Moles have massive hands, which is one reason they are so skilled at digging and can create such long tunnels in a short period of time.
Call Our Mole Control in O’Fallon
If you have a mole problem, you need O’Fallon mole control. At Amco Ranger, we know how to effectively trap moles and get them off of your property. We also know how to prevent them from coming back so your yard is your own, and doesn’t belong to any moles. Call us today at (636) 441-2847 to schedule your free inspection.
*Listed pricing is for most homes, subject to change, and does not include program start-up fee. Final pricing determined during initial consultation.