
How To Get Rid Of Mosquito Larvae

Mosquitoes are one of the most annoying and potentially dangerous types of pests. They can ruin picnics and other outdoor events while leaving you covered in itchy red bites that can easily get infected. Mosquitoes can also transmit a variety of different diseases that are dangerous to both humans and pets. At Amco Ranger Termite and Pest Solutions, we have been helping residents in our area eliminate mosquitoes for more than 50 years. The best time to go after them is when they are in their larval stage.  

What Are Mosquito Larvae?

St. Charles County warns that there are more than 50 different types of mosquitoes in Missouri. While they have a short life span ranging from a week to several months, they can do a lot of damage during this time. A female mosquito can lay up to 200 eggs per pregnancy. They typically hatch after several days into a larva. These live in shallow water, where they hang suspended right below the surface. They breathe air through a siphon tube, similar to a snorkel. 

Killing mosquito larvae can help to prevent large infestations, but you have to act quickly. They typically have a 4 to 14-day lifespan, which provides only a short window of opportunity. If you do not eliminate them during this time, they will molt and eventually become full-fledged mosquitoes, wreaking havoc in your yard and continuing to populate in large numbers. 

Where Are Mosquito Larvae Found?

Mosquito larvae require still, shallow water, which allows them to penetrate the surface for air. The University of Missouri advises that common breeding sites include flood-prone areas, slow-moving streams, ditches, marshes, and wetlands around lakes. Once they have made their way onto your property, places you are most likely to find mosquito larvae include: 

  • Birdbaths and ornamental ponds;
  • Wading pools;
  • Fishponds;
  • Water barrels;
  • Old watering cans and plant pots;
  • Clogged gutters and catch basins;
  • Hollow tree stumps;
  • Old tires and other debris that collects water on your property.

Anything that holds even a small amount of water could provide a breeding ground for mosquitoes and their larvae. While you can keep larvae from growing by eliminating yard debris and emptying birdbaths or water barrels regularly, ponds and more permanent water features require additional efforts. 

Ways To Eliminate Mosquito Larvae

The Missouri Department of Conservation warns that mosquitoes can be carriers of West Nile and the Zika virus, both of which have the potential to be life-threatening. They also can cause yellow fever and transmit the parasites responsible for malaria. In dogs, mosquito bites can result in heartworm, a fatal condition if left untreated. To protect yourself, your family, and your pets, eliminating mosquito larvae is a top priority. In addition to eliminating the potential places for mosquitoes to breed, natural ways to accomplish this on your own include: 

  • Applying a thin coat of cinnamon, eucalyptus, or other essentials oil to the water’s surface: Mosquito larvae require air to breathe. Applying a thin coat of essential oil to standing water makes it impossible for them to penetrate the surface, which cuts off their oxygen supply. 
  • Applying garlic juice: Yes, mosquitoes are bloodsuckers, but this remedy has nothing to do with vampire lore. Instead of biting humans, mosquito larvae rely on organisms in the water for nutrients. Garlic juice applied to standing, stagnant water acts in the same way as an essential oil in helping to suffocate the larvae. 
  • Applying an apple cider vinegar solution: Alongside oil, vinegar and water do not mix. As a result, it also blocks the surface and can be a natural and effective treatment to kill mosquito larvae. 
  • Bleach tablets or solution: The same as you use bleach tablets in your pool to kill various organisms, bleach acts as a poison for mosquito larvae. 

Reach Out To Us Today For Help

While all of the above methods may be somewhat effective in killing mosquito larvae in small areas around your home, none of them address the threat posed by ponds, creeks, lakes, or similar areas of standing water near your property. To ensure all mosquito larvae are eliminated and to prevent reinfestation, call in the professionals at Amco Ranger Termite and Pest Solutions. 

Providing the best customer service in the industry and a 100 percent customer satisfaction guarantee, you can trust us to keep mosquitoes from threatening you and your family. Call or contact our Missouri mosquito control experts online and request a free, no-obligation inspection today.

Where Do Mosquitoes Go in the Winter?

Mosquitoes are simply unstoppable. These annoying pests have been on this planet for a whopping 46 million years and they show no signs of leaving any time soon. They’re always around to ruin your summer camping trip, BBQ, pool party or sports game. Unless you live in Iceland and Antarctica, you have dealt with the annoyances of mosquitoes at some point.

Now that fall is here, though, you may be seeing fewer mosquitoes. Temperatures are cooling down. Those hot summer nights are fading away, allowing you to go outside without fear of getting bitten.

So where did those pesky mosquitoes go? Are they hiding in your garage? Are they under your house? In your attic? Are they building nests in trees? Do they just die?


Mosquitoes lived through the Ice Age millions of years ago, so a little cold weather isn’t going to kill these bugs. However, due to climate issues, mosquitoes cannot be found in Iceland and Antarctica.

Male mosquitoes have a very short lifespan. They die after mating, and live up to 10 days total. Because of this, male mosquitoes never make it through the fall.

Bears are known to hibernate in the winter. Female mosquitoes do the same thing. These resilient creatures typically stay around until the temperature drops to about 50 degrees. After that, they find places to hibernate until they die. Their lifespan is roughly 6-8 weeks.

Like bears, mosquitoes are inactive during the winter. They will hide in trees and burrows. Some hide in basements and storm sewers. When there is no water around, mosquitoes can go into diapause. This means they can essentially delay life. They can simply put the pause button on their lives for several months. Then, when there is enough water or warmth, they can continue on with life as usual. When a female mosquito lays eggs, the larvae and pupae can also go through diapause. 

There are more than 3,500 mosquito species, and they have their differences. Some can dehydrate themselves to avoid freezing. Then they wait until the weather warms up again. Others have the ability to raise the level of glycerol in their body. This glycerol acts as an anti-freeze so they stay warm.

After Winter

When spring comes around, you may notice that the mosquitoes are out in full force again. This is because mosquitoes have spent their winters in hibernation. In order to survive and help their babies thrive, the female mosquitoes need a blood meal. That’s why they are on the lookout for people wearing shorts and short-sleeved shirts. The mosquito will get her meal, rest and lay eggs. Then the cycle continues.

Preventing Mosquito Bites

Mosquito bites can be painful and itchy. Some take days to go away. Others carry diseases that can be life-threatening or even fatal to humans. Because of this, it’s a good idea to prevent mosquito bites, if possible. Here are some tips:

  • Keep mosquitoes outside. When these pests are left indoors, they can bite. Keep doors and windows closed. If you do intend to keep them open, use nets and screens.
  • Eliminate standing water. Mosquitoes can breed in just the smallest amount of water. Even water in a bird bath or pot left outside in the rain can turn into a mosquito breeding area. Empty any containers that contain water. If you have a pond, mosquito fish and minnows can help.
  • Wear repellent when outdoors. When going outside, spray on a repellent to avoid getting eaten by mosquitoes. DEET, IR3535 insecticide, picaridin and PMD are the most effective chemicals. They are also considered safe, even for babies and pregnant women. Just avoid spraying near the face.
  • Wear the right clothes. Wearing nothing but a swimsuit is a recipe for mosquito attacks. Choose long pants, long sleeves and loose-fitting clothing. Dark colors like red, blue and black attract mosquitoes, so opt for lighter colors.
  • Stay indoors. Mosquitoes tend to feed when it’s dark, so avoid being outside early in the morning and late at night, if possible. If not, wear appropriate clothing and apply repellant.

Contact Amco Ranger Today

Mosquitos are most annoying in the summer, but they can ruin your yard any time of the year. They may can make being outdoors less enjoyable.

Take back your yard with Amco Ranger today. We offer various pest control programs and options for homeowners in Missouri. Our professionals focus on safe, convenient and affordable options. Schedule a free inspection today. Fill out the online form or call/text (636) 224-6098.

How To Treat Mosquito Bites

No matter how carefully you apply insect repellent, you’ll probably experience an itchy bite or two this summer. When a red, itchy bump appears on your skin, you want relief as quickly as possible.

When bitten, the first step is to wash the affected area with soap and water. After that, everyone seems to have a different method for relieving the pain and itch. Which method you choose may depend on whether you are home or in the middle of the woods with limited resources.

Antihistamine Cream

The best way to treat a mosquito bite is to use an over the counter antihistamine cream. It will reduce swelling, relieve pain, and allow itchy, blood-clotting, mosquito saliva to exit the wound.


Ice helps in two ways. Like taking an antihistamine, ice reduces swelling and has the added benefit of numbing the nerves sending “itchy” signals to the brain.


Holding a hot compress or running hot water over the affected area will overload the nerves in the same way ice does and also opens the pores to allow the itch-causing toxins easier to escape. Best used in conjunction with an antihistamine or other treatment that will reduce swelling.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural and effective antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and disinfectant that can soothe the itch and sting of bites. Simply squeeze the gel from the plant and apply it directly to the bite.


A dab of toothpaste on the bite will act as an astringent, drawing itchy venom from the wound as it dries. Menthol in the toothpaste will also provide a “cooling” sensation that will occupy the nerves in the same way ice does, relieving discomfort.


Aluminum chloride in bar deodorant will draw moisture and toxins from the bite.

Baking soda

When mixed with a little water and applied as a paste, this household alkaline can help neutralize the pH balance in the bite, providing itch relief.


Not only can your go-to headache medication relieve pain when ingested, but when dissolved in water and turned into a paste, it can calm bites when applied topically.

Wet tea bag

The tannins in a moist black or green tea bag act as an astringent and quickly soothe the itch.

Lemon juice & vinegar

Lemon juice or vinegar can also be soothing, but only if you haven’t scratched the surface skin off the bite and made it bleed. Applying these acidic compounds to broken skin will sting, which can be worse than the itching.


A natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, honey is a quick pain reliever when applied directly to the bite.


Oatmeal contains potent antioxidants that reduce inflammation and may calm the itch. Simply mix a couple spoonfuls of oatmeal and water into a small cup to create a paste and then apply directly to the bite.


Because yogurt is made with proteins that coat and soothe the skin, the creamy snack makes for a great inflammation reducer.

Fresh basil

Rubbed on the affected area, natural camphor increases blood flow around the bite and breaks down itchy anti-clotting agents in mosquito saliva.


A natural antibiotic, fresh garlic rubbed on a mosquito bite is said to knock out the bacteria causing itchiness. Evidence is inconclusive, but some swear by this method.

Complications that can arise from mosquito bites

There are many great ways to treat mosquito bites and overcome their discomfort. However, if symptoms worsen over time or include fever or swelling, this might be an allergic reaction. If this occurs, you should contact a doctor immediately.

For most bite victims, the most likely complication of a mosquito bite is a secondary bacterial infection caused by scratching with dirty fingernails. This is especially true for children, who tend to have heightened skin reactions to mosquito bites, and who are also more likely than adults to have filthy nails.

We can help

If you are tired of dealing with the aftermath of mosquitoes in your yard, give Amco Ranger a call to get a free quote for professional, ongoing defense. Treatments are tailored to your property and are applied by certified, trained technicians. Take back your yard! Give us a call today if you need help getting rid of pests in your home in Cottleville, St. Peters, O’Fallon, St. Charles, St. Louis, and surrounding communities.

Find out why mosquitoes are drawn to some people vs. others.